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Environmental Group Announces Leadership Roles
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Environmental Group Announces Leadership Roles

Environmental Group Announces Leadership Roles

YARMOUTH As the group continues to address climate-related issues in the region, a local environmental nonprofit has announced that it will be announcing two leadership positions.

Officials at Cape Cod Climate Change Collaborative stated that Richard Delaney was retained as part-time director and Dorothy Savarese has been elected president of its board of directors.

Delaney is the founder of Climate Collaborative. He has been working in environmental fields for decades. He was also the CEO of the Center for Coastal Studies, and he founded UMass Boston’s Urban Harbors Institute.

Our survival is dependent on a healthy sea, which has been greatly damaged by our warming planet. Delaney stated that my work with the Collaborative and my advisory work with the Center for Coastal Studies in ocean policy are two of the ways I focus attention on these interrelated crises.

Savarese brings her experience as Cape Cod 5’s CEO to her climate action role. She was also the former chair of the Massachusetts Bankers Association, and the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce.

Savarese stated that this is a crucial time for our planet, and our region, and that he is ready to help our community in this important effort. NewsCenter, Brian Engles

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