Operations for Oxnard-based DCOR, LLC’s pipeline were halted this week after it was discovered that the source of the oil discharge was within its vicinity, according toUnified Command, which consists of the Coast Guard, the state Office of Spill Prevention and Response and Orange County officials.
“All platform and pipeline operations ceased, and the line is being monitored for additional oiling,” according to a statement released Friday. “A response boat is patrolling the pipeline to detect any indications of additional discharge of oil.”
Authorities responded last week when they noticed an oil sheen about two miles from the coast. Investigators determined that the sheen was not caused by a pipeline leak.
Officials have confirmed that the sheens are not related to the major pipeline leak that was found off the Orange County coast in October. This caused a large oil release that affected the coastline, causing the closure of businesses and beaches along the coast. The incident saw a Houston-based oil company and its two subsidiaries indicted on a misdemeanor charge.
Long Beach officials said Thursday that the oil sheen could impact the city’s shoreline and that the recentrainy weather will likely disrupt efforts to locate and identify the source and contain it. While yesterday’s overflight by UC foundno observable oil or sheen on the water or shoreline, protective strategies remain in place.
Oil spill response vessels and beach cleanup crews are available to remove oil. The Oiled Wildlife Care Network, which is available to help animals affected by the sheen, has been dispatched to the area. There have been no reports of any wildlife being affected.
Shoreline Cleanup Assessment Technique (SCAT) teams conducted “reconnaissance” surveys from Belmont Shores to the Santa Ana River and confirmed no additional shoreline impacts. The marina and beaches will not be closing.
It is not immediately clear what impacts the October crude oil spill and recent sheens will have on Southern California’s environment and wildlife as researchers say that they are just starting to learn about some of the long-term effects from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
UPDATE: Long Beach officials warn that oil sheen could have an impact on the city’s shoreline