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Today we are looking at new Biden lightbulb regulations, a reverse on a water pipeline, and a blizzard at an unlikely location.
Rachel Frazin and Zack Budryk were the Hill’s editors. Send us your tips: Follow us on Twitter: @RachelFrazin @BudrykZack.
Lets jump in.
Administration proposes lightbulb efficiency rule
Friday’s proposal by the Biden administration to establish a standard for lightbulb efficiency was made after the Trump administration had declined to do so.
If implemented, theEnergy Department proposalThis would prevent lightbulbs from being sold if they don’t meet minimum efficiency requirements.
The market will shift to LED light bulbs that are more efficient than incandescent bulbs.
How did we get to this point? The Biden administration claimed that the move would benefit consumers as well as climate benefits.
Advocates for such changes argue that lower energy consumption will reduce the emissions from lighting, and that consumers will save money by using less energy to light up their homes.
In factEnergy efficiency advocates have discoveredDelaying the lightbulb standard could cost consumers $300 million in lost savings each month and 800,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions every month.
Biden’s administration cites a requirement from the Energy Policy and Conservation Act for a final rule to consider a standard of 45 lumens per Watt. If it fails to do so the law directs that the department prohibits the sale of general-purpose lamps that do not meet such a standard.
What did the Trump administration accomplish? 2019 will see the Trump administration. The standard was not set. It stated that the backstop was not activated because it made a predicate decision not to alter standards for a subset that includes LED bulbs.
It alsoOriginally said at the timeThe standard would force consumers to buy more expensive light bulbs by adding the standard.
Learn more about the announcement.
Carbon capture and storage One way to reduce emissions.
Nearly two-thirds (32%) of global CO are generated by industry and power generation2 emissions. ExxonMobil is collaborating on some aspects of the World’s largest carbon storage and capture projectsTo reduce industrial emissions at large scale.
Biden approves Trump-era water pipeline
Friday’s Justice Department lawyers began to reverse a Trump-era approval for a Southern California water pipe. They called the approval process rushed.
The outgoing Trump administration approved Cadiz Inc.’s repurposing a disused oil-and-gas pipeline in the Mojave desert to transport groundwater from aquifers below into new developments.
The Court should remand [Bureau of Land Managements]Biden administration lawyers stated in the filing that they had granted rights of way to Cadiz to transport water across federal land.
BLM rushed the approval process, omitting necessary reviews and violating the procedural requirements of The [National Environmental Policy Act]The [National Historic Preservation Act]They also added.
This is the story so far The Native American Land Conservancy, the National Parks Conservation Association, and the National Parks Conservation Association had sued over this project, claiming that it was done without proper consideration of tribal consultation or environmental impacts. In November, the National Congress of American Indians adopted a resolution opposing the project.
According to the new filings, the Bureau of Land Management has not received required reviews. This means that the Bureau of Land Management did in fact not have enough information to determine that granting rights of way would not violate the Federal Land Policy and Management Act.
Trump’s decision was a reverse of an Obama administration determination in 2015 that said the project had to undergo federal review and permit approval.
Find out more about this decision.
St. Louis pipeline can continue thanks to regulator
Federal energy regulators will allow a pipeline carrying natural gas to St. Louis to continue to operate through winter, despite a legal battle over authorization.
The authorization certificate for the pipelines was revoked after a November court challenge from Environmental Defense Fund. Spire operated the pipeline while it was being inspected by the Environmental Defense Fund. The temporary certificate was to be revoked next Monday.
Friday’s order by Federal Energy Regulatory Commission gave a temporary certificate to allow the pipeline to continue operation while its final fate is determined.
[T]The record shows that Spire Missouri, Spire’s customer, will lose gas supply, potentially affecting hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses during winter heating season. We have determined that there is an emergency and will issue Spire temporary certificates.
Spire Missouri and Spire STL were Spire affiliates. They had entered into a contract to purchase nearly 88 per cent of the energy from the pipeline. EDF claimed that the company was engaging in self-dealing by challenging it in court.
In June, a federal appeals court sided in favor of the environmental group and ordered federal review of the pipeline.
EDF stated Saturday that Spire misrepresented the threat to St. Louis residents if the pipeline is not allowed to continue operating.
EDF has repeatedly told regulators that the pipeline should continue to be allowed to operate in order to provide reliable service. Natalie Karas, EDF Senior Counsel and Lead Counsel, said that FERC’s actions provide clarity for St. Louis customers as well as resolving the fear and confusion caused by Spires misleading campaigns. As FERC conducts a thorough review in accordance to the law, it is bound to protect Spires customers against improper costs and to protect landowners and communities that are affected by the construction and operation.
Find out more about the order.
- The House Science, Space and Technology Committee is hosting a HearPFAS Research and Development
- The House Financial Services Committee is holding a HearEquity in disaster benefits distribution
- The House Natural Resources Committee is holding a HearOn bills relating to national monuments, museums, and historic sites
Gambling Americas Amazon, CNN reports
Concerns over domestic terrorism are raised by a Texas intel bulletin posted on a New Yorker podcast featuring a fringe environmentalist. Politico reports
Grand Prairie Latinos are looking for answers about hazardous waste sites. KERA News reports
Utah Attorney Generals Office selects law firm to represent them in legal challenge against Grand Staircase and Bears Ear monuments. The Salt Lake Tribune reports
And last but not least, something completely off-beat and unusual: Some new fossils (that don’t make fuels).
This is it for today. Thanks for reading. Check out The Hills Energy & Environment PageStay up-to-date with the latest news and coverage We hope to see you again tomorrow.