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Fast fashion is destroying the environment. So why is it that Australians are still buying fast fashion?
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Fast fashion is destroying the environment. So why is it that Australians are still buying fast fashion?

Fast fashion is costing the environment. So why are Australians still buying?
New research shows that consumers lack an understanding of the environmental implications of fast fashion and are “averse to changing their buying habits” as a result.
Erin Skinner (University of South Australia PhD Candidat) conducted the research and examined Australians’ attitudes towards and understanding of both sustainable and fast fashion. It also found that Australians were more supportive of sustainable fashion options.
Fast fashion is clothing made in high volumes and sold at a low price to consumers. These brands are popular because of their affordability and wide range of options. However the industry is now under increasing scrutiny due to its negative impact on the environment.
Ms Skinner stated that many participants in her first study had never heard the term “fast fashion” and couldn’t explain what it meant.
“The fashion industry accounts for as much as 10% of global carbon emissions; it’s huge. It has a much greater impact than people realize.

“Ultimately, we need a shift in consumer knowledge and attitudes … by clarifying what the average Australian knows or thinks about sustainable fashion, we will be able to design appropriate solutions and policy changes to better support ‘slow’ fashion.”


According to the research, consumers are most likely to choose fast fashion because it is more affordable than mass-produced brands.
“The cost of living is the biggest barrier we have encountered,” Ms. Skinner said. Ms Skinner said that consumers think of sustainable fashion when they hear the word.
“As a consequence of COVID, many people have reduced their work hours or lost all their jobs. So they don’t even have the funds to make other choices, or even buy clothes.
The research coincides as Shein, a fast fashion giant, holds its first ever pop up in Melbourne from 13-15 May. It has been met both with concern by critics than with excitement from fast fashion fans.
According to Reuters Shein’s revenue for 2021 was $22.8 billion. It has more global app downloads than Amazon, has overtaken brands like H&M and Zara, and claims to launch thousands of new clothing items each day.

Catherine Jia, a content creator and advocate for slow fashion, says that fast fashion shoppers often feel pressured to keep up to date with Shein’s social media trends.


She stated that “a lot of people really don’t know how to be conscious consumers.”
“Fast fashion often revolves around a luxurious lifestyle and instant satisfaction. There’s a lot to be pressured by media, influencers and brands that constantly push for trends and make it seem like we have to look certain ways.”
Ms Jia stated that while some people are not aware of the environmental issues, others choose to ignore them.
“I don’t think it’s just up to consumers though. She said that brands need to be held more accountable and that there should be stricter legislation.
“I don’t want to blame consumers for it. I also want to blame brands as well as the government.

“I believe it’s collective change that everyone should be part of.”

A man walks past a shop window containing several mannequins dressed in cheap fashionable clothes.A man walks past a shop window containing several mannequins dressed in cheap fashionable clothes.

Advocates believe legislation is necessary in order to improve the environmental practices of the fashion industry. Source: AAP

Nina Gbor, a sustainable fashion educator and eco-stylist, is also in favor of legislation for fashion practices and told SBS News that there needs to be a shift within Australia’s attitude towards shopping.

“It is much more difficult than it seems.” [for sustainable brands]She said that they are vulnerable, especially when they don’t have the same capital as larger brands corporations.”
“We the Consumers must support these brands, as well as push for legislation regarding sustainability… that’s missing piece of the puzzle.”
“We must push for laws that make brands accountable for any emission or toxic chemicals they produce or anything else that damages the environment. Transparency must be a mandatory requirement.”
Climate change is a major contributor to the fast fashion industry. This is due to large amounts of synthetic textiles ending in landfills and water consumption.
According to the Australia is the second-highest textile consumer per person in the globe, with the average Australian consuming 27kg of new clothing each year and disposing of an average 23kg of clothing to the landfill each year.
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