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Fresh Coast Climate Solutions Launches Bold Actions to Address Climate Change
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Fresh Coast Climate Solutions Launches Bold Actions to Address Climate Change


New company guides organizations to mitigate carbon emissions, build resilient supply chains, strengthen communities, and accelerate brands.

ANN ARBOR, Mich., May 4, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The next few years are critical to reverse climate change. Fresh Coast Climate Solutions, a company that provides sustainability and climate consulting services, was created to assist clients in taking bold and direct action to address climate change.

Industry experts founded it Joshua Brugeman Jenny OorbeckFresh Coast Climate Solutions is available to assist clients with their decarbonization and environmental social governance, electrification and carbon equity efforts. The firm’s expertise is geared towards organizations of all sizes that want to take action and reduce carbon emissions.

Brugeman stated that “We don’t have the luxury to wait for others to act or make incremental changes anymore.” “While some companies make climate progress, many need help in scaling up transformative actions.”

Solutions include:

  • Impactful net-zero decarbonization strategies
  • Sustainability and ESG programs that have aggressive goals, solutions that change the status quo and actions that align with client needs
  • Proliferation and promotion of cleantech solutions that push net zero carbon emissions and emphasize carbon equity
  • Lead by innovating, accelerating and implementing at large scale

Fresh Coast client Dan RadomskiCentrepolis Accelerator: “Joshua Brugeman Jenny OorbeckThey are experts in sustainability, clean energy, climate markets, and other areas. They are problem solvers who can also be great partners.

Fresh Coast Climate Solutions serves clients in a variety of industries, including cleantech and automotive, food, agriculture and consumer products.

Brugeman & Oorbeck combine more than four decades of combined experience with foundations, start-ups, multinational corporations, non-profits, governmental bodies, and foundations to develop and implement innovative climate solutions.

Oorbeck said that she and Brugeman were motivated by a common desire for organizations to take greater, deeper, and more effective steps to reverse the current global warming trend. The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 6ThClimate change is already causing great disruption around the globe, according to the Assessment Report. The impacts are increasing faster than anticipated.

Oorbeck stated that “the need to act is urgent.” “We must immediately develop plans to help people, especially those in marginalized communities, as well as be resilient to the changes that are coming our way.” 

About Fresh Coast Climate Solutions

SOURCE Fresh Coast Climate Solutions


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