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Future Generations Will Ask What We Did To End The Climate Crisis. Will Counterproductive Bickering Be Included in The Answer?
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Future Generations Will Ask What We Did To End The Climate Crisis. Will Counterproductive Bickering Be Included in The Answer?

In Midst Of Climate Crisis, Focus On Fossil Fuel Subsidies, Not Elon Musk's Wealth From Shares Of Transformative Companies


Senator Bernie Sanders asked me a very important question last week. Elon Musk also shared his response on Twitter to this question. The question was very simple.

“When future generations ask us what we did to stop the climate crisis, how will we answer?”

According to my opinion, which was shared on Twitter, the answer is in the form a question.

Why is the Democratic Party so focused upon Elon Musk’s demise? when Elon is an ally who is actually doing more to fight the climate crisis than the politicians who have lost focus?”

Although I wasn’t expecting a reply from Bernie, Elon’s response was something that, to me, made sense. He’s been the point of focus by a few outspoken Democrats who have forgotten that he and Tesla are practically a golden ticket to achieving their clean energy and climate goals. It’s nuts that they are choosing to alienate their allies in this life and death cause.

September was the month I wrote this. Another articleIf they wanted to, the Biden administration could have Elon Musk or Tesla as an ally. I was referring at the time to the drama surrounding the administration’s decision to ignore Elon Musk and Tesla during an EV event. I didn’t think they would continue to be as petty as they have been, or that they would openly lie about General Motors being the leader of the EV industry.

Numerous high-profile Democrats have taken turns following Elon Musk on Twitter. Senator Sanders, Senator Warren, and although he’s not a politician but more of a talking head, Robert Reich. All of these are prominent people that I once respected. But they now refuse to see the good Elon did and instead pick fights on Twitter.

They know Elon Musk will respond — he doesn’t back down from standing up for himself, and at times, he can be just as petty. Personally, I don’t blame him for trolling them. Is that right? Probably not, but I get it, and honestly, I don’t blame him for clapping back.

What’s even more worrisome is the fact that these so-called leaders don’t seem to do their research on the topics they are discussing. This is the current topic, and the accusations against Elon Musk are false. He is a taxpaying citizen. It’s as if they are either refusing to understand and acknowledge that he is paying taxes or maybe they want their bases to believe he’s a freeloader when he’s not.

These politicians have lost sight of their goals and are attacking their natural allies to get attention on Twitter. This is a way to get yourself noticed and rally support. Many of these supporters contribute to campaigns, share and participate with their voices, and even vote. (However, many of their supporters have been severely turned off by this and have withdrawn from supporting them politically.

And what’s worse is that the mainstream media will simply amplify the “Elon attacked so and so” topics without really giving any context as to what started the whole drama anyway.

Why is it that politicians are willing to sacrifice their goals in order to get after one person? For me, I feel as if they really don’t care enough about some of their goals. They get so caught up in politics that they are now using their platforms to create a so-called “bad guy” to cheer their supporters on.

Recently, the topic was ending hunger in the world. CNN Business reported that just 2% of Elon’s wealth could solve world hunger, in theory, and quoted David Beasley, director of the United Nations’ World Food Program. Elon replied that if the World Food Program could show how $6 billion could solve world hunger, he’d sell Tesla stock immediately and provide the funding. Elon pointed out, however, that the accounting must be open-sourced so the public can see exactly how the money was spent.

Beasly admittedYou can find the CNNThe headline was incorrect. To me, it is strange that he waited until Elon offered $6 billion worth Tesla stock to share this tidbit. During all of this time, critics and haters alike were claiming an array of things — from Elon hating poor people to Elon being a rich billionaire who refuses to help the poor. Many of these statements were in response to tweets by Senator Sanders or Robert Reich, who have been frequently tweeting about Elon and his wealth.

The focus on Elon Musk and his wealth shouldn’t be the priority of the most popular and outspoken Democrats, such as Sanders and Warren. Instead, they should focus their efforts on working with allies like Elon Musk and Tesla to solve this crisis.

Future generations will ask us how we will answer the question “What did we do to stop the climate catastrophe?” We will have to admit we chose to ignore our allies in this cause. Future generations may have to pay the price for our bickering.

I don’t think any of us had high-profile Democrats going after Elon Musk on our 2021 bingo cards.

See Also

Featured Image by ijmakiFrom Pixabay


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