A woman picks plastic cups from the Pasig riverbank, in Manila, Philippines. June 10, 2021. REUTERS/Lisa Marie David
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LONDON (Reuters), February 22nd, 2012 – Three quarters of people worldwide want single-use plastics banned as soon as possible. The poll was released Tuesday as United Nations members prepare for talks on a global treaty to curb rising plastic pollution.
According to IPSOS polls of more than 20,000 people in 28 countries, 71% of people are calling for bans. However, 82% of those who said they prefer products with less plastic packaging increased to 82% from 75%.
Activists claim the results send a clear warning to governments meeting at Nairobi this month to pursue an ambitious treaty to reduce plastic waste. This deal is being called the most important environmental pact after the Paris Agreement on climate changes in 2015.
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“People all over the world have expressed their views,” said Marco Lambertini who is WWF International’s director-general. “Governments have an opportunity and the onus is on them to adopt a worldwide plastics treaty… so we can eliminate all forms of plastic pollution.”
Nearly 90% of respondents said they supported a treaty. However, it remains to be determined if any such deal will concentrate on waste collection and recycling or take other more drastic measures like curbing the production of throwaway plastics. Continue reading
Reuters revealed last week by Reuters that the big oil and chemical industries were devising strategies for persuading conference participants to reject any deal to limit plastic production. Plastic is a key source of their revenue and made from oil and natural gas. Continue reading
According to a WWF study, if the United Nations fails to reach an agreement to curb plastic pollution, there will be extensive ecological damage over the next decades. This could put some marine species at risk and destroy sensitive ecosystems like coral reefs and mangroves.
Finalizing any treaty will likely take at most two years. Key elements of any deal will depend on what is agreed at the Nairobi conference, February 28-March 2.
The largest support for single-use plastic bannings in the poll came mainly from India, Mexico, and Colombia, which are developing countries at a critical point in a waste crisis.
IPSOS poll results also revealed that 85% of respondents worldwide want manufacturers and retailers to be responsible for reducing and reusing plastic packaging. This is up from 80%.
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Reporting by John Geddie in London
Mark Potter Editing
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