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Gov. Wolf blasts Republican Energy Committee Chairman Metcalfe and Members for Exploiting the Crisis in Ukraine to Line Pockets of the Natural Gas Industry
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Gov. Wolf blasts Republican Energy Committee Chairman Metcalfe and Members for Exploiting the Crisis in Ukraine to Line Pockets of the Natural Gas Industry

Gov. Wolf Blasts Republican Energy Committee Chairman Metcalfe, Members for Exploiting Crisis in Ukraine to Line Pockets of the Natural Gas Industry


Governor Tom Wolf today blasted state Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, the Republican House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee chairman, ​and Republican members of the committee for exploiting the Russian invasion of Ukraine and subsequent humanitarian crisis to increase the profits of the natural gas industry and stand in the way of action to address climate change. 

While the Ukrainian people suffer through deadly bombings and flee for their lives from an unprovoked and unjustified invasion by Russia, Metcalfe sent the governor a letter this week, which was signed by fellow Republican committee members, that called on the Wolf Administration “to do everything in their power to support the growth and proliferation of Pennsylvania’s natural gas and energy.”

Reps. Mike Armanini, Stephanie Borowicz, Bud Cook, Joseph Hamm, R. Lee James, Joshua Kail, Ryan Mackenzie, Tim O’Neal, Jason Ortitay, Kathy Rapp, Tommy Sankey, Paul Schemel, Perry Stambaugh, and Ryan Warner from the committee signed the letter. 

Governor Wolf called the contents of the letter “deplorable” in a response letterRep. Metcalfe. He also urged Rep. Metcalfe to review the data before commenting on the country’s energy imports and exports, as well as the seriousness of climate change.

Read the letter addressed to Chairman Metcalfe

Dear Chairman Metcalfe: I am in receipt of your letter dated March 1, 2022 and write to share my disappointment that you are seizing on this moment, and the humanitarian and geopolitical tragedy playing out in Ukraine, in service of your crusade to increase the profits of the natural gas industry and stand in the way of action to address climate change. 

In the face of this grave crisis, instead of expressing concern for the Ukrainian people, or providing suggestions to aid their safety or wellbeing, your concern is for “Pennsylvanians yearning to share our liquified natural gas and energy with those in need.” 

Your politicization of this tragedy is a shame. The United States is a net exporter and has seen its exports of Liquified Natural Gas to Europe rise to record levels in the past few years. The United States is the largest importer of European LNG, accounting for more than half the LNG shipped to Europe in January. Despite all the rumors about Russian LNG tankers arriving at American ports, it is important to remember that the United States imports very little natural gas from Russia. If you are unsure about any of these points, I encourage you to consult the U.S. Energy Information Administration. 

See Also

As governor, my goal was to find the right balance between natural gas development and environmental protection. I also tried to govern in all Pennsylvanians’ best interests. Since I was elected, net natural gas exports have more than doubled from my state. We have also allowed additional pipeline capacity for gas transportation to both domestically and internationally. 

I have also moved forward with measures that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, diversify our grid, and strengthen it. This latest attempt to halt progress on addressing climate change by linking climate action to events in Ukraine is nothing more than a continuation to the conspiracy theories that you are well-known for. I urge you to examine actual data about the urgency of the climate crisis we face.

We are at a time of great import for the world. This is no time for small-minded ideologues or armchair energy experts to attempt to capitalize on tragedy to benefit their benefactors. 


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