OTTAWA, ON, April 6, 2022/CNW Telbec/ – Canadians expect more from the Government of Canada than ever before. Canadato take action and advocate for innovative measures to combat climate changes. We know that Canada can build an energy sector that is world-leading in environmental protections and innovating to ensure a clean future. Today is a significant step in this direction.
The Impact Assessment Agency of carried out a scientific-based environmental assessment. Canada(the Agency) Over four years, Steven Guilbeault, Minister for Environment and Climate Change, endorsed the Agency’s conclusions. Environmental Assessment ReportThat was what determined the proposed Bay du Nord Development ProjectWhen mitigation measures are taken into consideration, the project is unlikely to have any significant adverse environmental consequences. The project can proceed with strict environmental protection measures.
Today, a Decision StatementTo this effect, the was published under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012. (CEAA 2012).
The Decision Statement lists 137 legally-binding conditions that Equinor (the Proponent) must follow throughout the project’s lifetime. This is approximately 500 kilometres east. St. John’s Newfoundland Labrador. These conditions include the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), measures to protect fish and their habitats, species at risk, air pollution, human health, and Indigenous peoples’ resource use. The first ever Decision Statement has been issued, requiring that the proponent achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050.
Equinor is legally required to not only reach net-zero GHG emissions before 2050, but also to consider the best available technologies and incorporate measures to reduce GHGs in the design. The proponent is responsible for reporting to Environment and Climate Change Canada and/or to the Canada–NewfoundlandLabrador Offshore Petroleum Board – C-NLOPB) about how these measures will integrate into the final project design. The Bay du Nord Development Project is an excellent example of how to reduce emissions. It emits five times less greenhouse gasses than the average Canadian oil-and-gas project and ten times less than average projects in the oil sands. CanadaWe can chart a way forward for producing energy with the lowest possible emissions intensity, while still looking towards a net-zero future.
The Bay du Nord Development Project fits into the Government’s overall plan to reduce emissions by 40% compared to 2005 levels by 2030. This is outlined in thePlan for Emissions Reduction It also fits within the projected sectoral emissions reduction contribution to just over 30% from 2005 levels from oil and gas sectors, as the Government continues to cap and reduce oil and gas sector emissions.
As per the Impact Assessment ActThe Decision Statement will be enforced by the C-NLOPB. Failure to comply with these conditions by the proponent is a violation federal law.
Equinor can now obtain any other authorizations and permits from federal agencies as well as the C NLOPB.
This Decision Statement was made following the Government of CanadaThe Government of Newfoundland LabradorAn announcement was made about the intention to expand the mandate of Canada–Newfoundland LabradorThe development of renewable energy like offshore wind and clean hydrocarbons is part of the offshore energy regime.
“The federal government supports the recommendation of Impact Assessment Agency. Canada. The Bay du Nord Development Project may be approved subject to the most stringent environmental conditions, including the requirement that an oil and gas project must achieve net-zero emission by 2050. The project has been subjected to rigorous federal environmental review and scrutiny in every aspect. Canada’sLegislated review process. It will become more important than ever to ensure that Canadian projects run at the highest-in-class, lowest-emissions performance in order to be competitive as the demand for oil and natural gas decreases over the next decades.
Minister of Environment and Climate Change: The Honourable Steven Guilbeault
Quick Facts
Equinor Canada Limited proposes to develop the Bay du Nord oil field into an offshore oil production facility in the Flemish Pass (approximately 500 km east of). St. John’s Newfoundland Labrador.
Equinor, which will manage the Bay du Nord Development Project, estimates that it will emit as little 8kgCO2 per barrel of production as compared to the average oil-sands emission of 80kgCO2/bbl, and the average Canadian 40kgCO2/bbl.
According to the proponent, the project will contribute approximately $2.5 million $3.5 BillionIn government revenue, contribute research and development as also new technology to increase local supply capacity.
The Bay du Nord Development Project was the first offshore oil-and-gas production project to undergo a federal environmental evaluation process under the Environmental Protection Act. Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012. (CEAA 2012). Although the project is the province’s first offshore oilfield production facility, it would be the fifth and most important of its kind. Newfoundland Labrador.
The Government of CanadaWe would like to thank everyone who contributed valuable comments throughout the environmental assessment process. Over 100 comments were submitted and received. Participants shared their local knowledge and expertise with the Agency, helping to review information, address problems, review mitigation options, and providing input on the project’s monitoring and followup requirements.
Experts from many federal agencies participated in the review process, providing strong scientific advice and technical knowledge throughout. These include: Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Environment and Climate Change Canada; Natural Resources Canada; Transport Canada and Health Canada.
During the environmental assessment, extensive consultations with Indigenous communities were conducted. 42 groups participated in the process. A total of $304,154.00A portion of the funding was used to support Indigenous participation at the various stages of the review.
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SOURCE Impact Assessment Agency Canada

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