The Environment Agency and the Solent Forum, an independent coastal partnership, launched an Information hub for litter pickers.
This web-based resource provides guidance for existing and new groups, as well as links to other groups. It also includes information about borrowing equipment, litter recycling, disposal, and other local initiatives. You can also join the litter picker group. FacebookPage featuring news and local events.
The 2-year initiative is part in a larger project funded by the crossChannel Interreg Preventing plastic PollutionThe 18-member group aims to reduce plastic pollution in rivers and marine environments throughout southern England.
Lizzie Lewis, Environment Agency project lead, stated:
An estimated 14 million pieces a plastic rubbish end up in or around our waterways each year, with approximately 500,000 pieces leaking out into our oceans, causing severe damage to marine life and habitats.
We are aware of the excellent work being done in Hampshire to improve river and coast health. This online resource will collect and make public this activity.
Interreg partners are able to create risk maps that show plastic pollution hotspots by gathering river catchment data. These data will allow us to focus our prevention efforts. They will also encourage people to adopt a waste hierarchy that includes avoid, reduce and reuse, as well as recycle to help the planet thrive.
The Solent Forum hosts the online resources.
Kate Ansell is the Solent Forum project manager.
We are proud to be a part of this project that helps us to achieve our ambitions to reduce littering and plastics for all Solent coastal communities. Promoting the sharing of information and data Solentwide will help support local community groups as well as build connections between them.
This work supports our Cleaner Solent Shores and Seas Initiative, which coordinates information on a wide variety of water quality issues throughout Solent and its catchments.
For more information about the project email
Notes for editors
Environment Agency: The Environment Agency is a regulator that prevents plastic waste from entering the environment. It also cracks down on waste crime, poor waste management, and other waste crimes.
Its ambition as an influencer is to promote better environmental practices, resulting in a reduction in plastic waste. This will help achieve the goals and promises outlined in its 5-year plan to create better places, wildlife, and the environment, as well as the government’s 25-year Environment Plan.
Interreg Preventing Plastic Pollution: This partnership aims to reduce plastic pollution in rivers and marine environments. The project examines the catchment from source through sea to identify and target plastic hotspots, implements behavior change in local communities, and offers alternatives and effective solutions.
PPP is a 14 million EU INTERREGVA France (Channel) England Programme project, co-financed by European Regional Development Fund. It works mainly across Brest Harbour and Bay of Douarnenez and Bay of Veys.
Partners are the Environment Agency, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Queen Mary University of London, LABOCEA Conseil, Expertise et Analyses, Syndicat mixte tablissement public de gestion et damnagement de la baie de Douarnenez, Office Franais De La Biodiversit, Parc naturel marin dIroise, Brest Mtropole, Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Counseil dpartemental de la Manche, Institut franais de recherche pour lexploitation de la mer, The Rivers Trust, Syndicat de bassin de lElorn, ACTIMAR, Brestaim, Westcountry Rivers Trust, South East Rivers Trust, and Plymouth City Council.
Solent Forum: The Solent Forum, an independent coastal partnership, was established in 1992 in order to foster a greater understanding between the many local and harbour authorities and user groups, as well as the agencies and agencies involved with the planning and management the Solent. It helps and advises them in their duties. The Environment Agency is a member of the forum.
Solent Forum – Solent Plastics Pollution Hub
Solent Plastics Pollution Hub | Facebook