Climate solutions can include everything from new technology and political policy, but gender equality is rarely considered.

Gender equality is a key component of climate action if you want to save the planet.
Rumaitha Al Busaidi, entrepreneur and marine scientist, made this the central theme of her recent TED Talk. You, girls and women, are part the climate solutionThis suggests that global societies must change. It is crucial to educate and empower girls and women around the world in order to combat the climate crisis. This is supported by powerful statistics.
Girls’ education has been listed as the fifth most impactful solution to limit global warming. By 2050, there could be a reduction of 85.42 million tonnes of C02 equivalent gasses by investing in family planning and taking steps towards universal education.
Evidence shows that gender equality, empowering women, and increasing their security and health, has a positive effect on the population. This leads to more environmentally-friendly decisions at home and on a larger scale.
I was shocked to learn that 80% of those affected by climate change have been displaced by it. A large number of women in developing nations work in agriculture production. With better knowledge, they can incorporate climate-smart farming and people- and planet-friendly agriculture.
Studies show that countries with a higher percentage of women in parliament are more likely to adopt policies to combat climate change. This is a clear indication that women are key drivers for creating a cleaner, healthier world.
How you can help education be a climate solution by starting a fintech company
Despite the importance of education, 130 million girls are currently unable to go to school due to safety-, cultural-, and economic-related barriers.
Global programs such as the Malala Fund (Plan International), the Wonder Foundation, UNICEF, UNICEF, and Education Cannot Wait are all helping to tackle some of these issues. As a fintech business, you can show your support to one of these organizations or other groups to help educate the world.
As a communication team, you can champion gender equality so everyone’s voice can be heard
From investment to changes in your own workplace, there are several things you can do to help champion women’s voices:
- Invest in grassroots women’s groups in countries most impacted by climate change. The natural-based solutions of nature are being developed by indigenous women and grassroots communities that draw on traditional knowledge. Women advocates can access important events such climate conferences by supporting them. Their important perspectives, stories, experiences, and ideas will be heard which will help to change policymaking and priorities.
- Talk about people and the environment by including gender equality in all communication materials.
- Encourage female leaders in your company to be champions and share their stories in webinars, networks, and workshops. This will help others.
- Your female champions can mentor girls and women in your local communities.
- Be aware of the subconscious bias that fintech only is for men, and promote gender equality in your workplace.
- Encourage others to follow your lead by sharing your stories.
It is important to remember that while gender equality is one UN Sustainable Development Goals, (SDG), it is vital to ensuring a better and sustainable future for all.
Despite being at the frontline of the effects of global climate change, women are not represented adequately in climate talks. Constituting the majority of the world’s poor, women often lack funds to travel and access important conferences on climate change strategy.
To make a positive impact on climate change and empower women and girls, use the suggestions above. Gender equality should be at heart of climate action if we want to save people and the earth.
Gihan Hyde, a communication specialist and founder at CommUnique (an ESG communication start up), is an award-winning communications specialist.
She has been implementing ESG campaigns in eight sectors, across six countries over the past 20 years.
Her campaigns have positively impacted over 150,000 employees and 200,000 customers and have closed over £300m in investment deals. Some of the clients she has advised include The World Health Organisation (WHO), HSBC, Barclays, M&S, SUEZ, Grundfos, Philip Morris, USAID, and the Saudi Government.
Gihan can be reached through LinkedInTweet @gehanam