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How local communities can combat climate change
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How local communities can combat climate change

How local communities can combat climate crisis


According to the Global Risks Report 2022, released by the World Economic Forum (WEF), climate failure, extreme weather events, and biodiversity loss were deemed the top three threats facing the global community.

Both developed and developing economies are being disrupted by extreme weather conditions in an equal manner as climate change ignores national borders.

The potential risk to social, economic, political and environmental stability will rise due to the adverse impacts of climate change on food and health.

President Uhuru Kenyatta’s economic legacy model the Big Four Agenda deeply tailored on achieving food security, Universal Healthcare (UHC), affordable housing and industrial development should be integrated with climate change action.

This is due to the unpredictable shifts in weather patterns that have fueled food insecurity.

The President’s commitment to addressing climate change reinforces his evidence-based endeavour to achieve social, economic, environmental and development needs of millions of Kenyans.

The fundamental of economic strength must be used as an instrument of national power. It must be combined with economic principles that are geared towards achieving Big Four Agenda.

This will help local communities adapt to the effects of climate change.

Kenya has made rapid progress in addressing the climate change issue by investing in green economy, sustainable growth, and other initiatives.

While Kenya is still an economic powerhouse in Sub-Sahara Africa, with its long-term strategic competition to shape global power balance in addressing climate change. Strategic and more comprehensive approaches are crucial.

We must prioritise the integration of indigenous communities’ knowledge with modern science to predict, forecast and provide a roadmap on climate mitigation and adaptation.

Kenya should create a well-structured risk-based strategy for investment to address extreme weather conditions.

This will help to prevent unpredicted disasters that can often cause loss of life and livelihoods.

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The government should quickly develop climate mitigation solutions and adaptation solutions that indigenous peoples can adapt. This will help to sustain agriculture and increase food security for millions of people who are often affected by drought.

It is important to address both short-term and long-term climate change effects, taking into consideration the importance of local communities.

The government must increase their resilience. Strategic focus should also be placed on drastically reducing forest destruction and uptake of green and sustainable energy.

Globally, the climate-driven economic downturn should be a wakeup call for community leadership to take collective responsibility for combating climate change.

The writer is a youth leader in the community.


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