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How to install a Desktop Environment/GUI on Ubuntu Server
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How to install a Desktop Environment/GUI on Ubuntu Server

How to Install a Desktop Environment/GUI in Ubuntu Server

Ubuntu Server is likely to be your first installation. Here’s how you can set up a graphical user interface on Ubuntu Server and create a desktop environment.

Why would you need a GUI to help you navigate?

Server machines don’t generally use a graphical user Interface (GUI). Command-line interface (CLI).It is the best solution for day to day operations. It is even suggested that you avoid installing GUI on production servers in order to better manage resources and ensure maximum performance.

Ubuntu Server can be installed for personal use only. Use spare laptop to stream mediaIt’s fine to install a GUI on a server machine, as long as it doesn’t cause performance problems.

A GUI is a great tool for dealing with audio streaming or video. It gives you a visual understanding of the elements on the screen.

Step 1: Update Your System

This is the first step before you make any changes to your Ubuntu server or install packages. Update Ubuntu’s software repositoriesUpgrade your system with the APT Package Manager.

sudo apt update &&Appropriate upgrade


Finish the updates and upgrades, then move to the next step.

Step 2: Install the Desktop Environment

There are many desktop environments you can choose from. However, if your hardware allows it, let’s go with the default Ubuntu GNOME desktop. Although you can always choose from other options, there is a risk of software incompatibility.

Use the APT package manager for Ubuntu to download and install GNOME desktop.

sudo apt Install ubuntu-desktop

Use the APT Package Manager to download and install KDE Plasma on Ubuntu Server

sudo apt Install kde-plasma-desktop

The following command will install MATE on Ubuntu Server:

sudo apt Install ubuntu-mate-core


sudo apt Install xubuntu-core

Are you unsure what desktop environment to choose for your business? Check out this list to help you choose. best Linux desktop environments.

Step 3: Install and set up a display manager

After installing the desktop environments, you need to install the display manager to manage users.

It is best to choose lightweight solutions that are low on resources, as you will be working with a server. LightDM is a lightweight, fast, cross-desktop display manager that you can install.

Installing LightDM

The APT package manager can be used to install LightDM onto your server.

sudo apt InstallLightdm

During installation, you will be asked to choose between GDM3 and LightDM.

Use LightDM SpacebarHighlight Use the Tab key. Press the button to finalize your selection and make LightDM your default display manager. Enter.

Set up LightDM

After the installation is complete, you will need to enable LightDM. You can use the service command, or The systemctl commandYou can do it.

To start the LightDM Service with systemctl, run this command:

sudo systemctl Start Lightdm.service

This command will start the LightDM service by using the service utility.

sudo service ligthdm Start

The following steps will help you to reboot your system Reboot command. After successful login, your system should boot up again.

Here’s a guide for LightDM alternatives. How to uninstall and delete LightDM.

How to Remove Ubuntu Server GUI

To return to the CLI experience, you only need to run a few commands. You can remove all packages that have been installed using the APT Package Manager.

sudo apt autoremove ubuntu-desktop
sudo systemctl Stop lightdm.service
sudo apt autoremove lightdm

If you have installed another desktop environment, make sure to change the name of the desktop package in the first command.

Reboot your system, and the changes should take effect.

The Best Linux Server Distributions You Can Choose From

Ubuntu Server is the most widely used server distribution. There are many other options in the open-source community. You can migrate to an alternative server operating systems if the Ubuntu experience is becoming stale. Here is a list of the top Linux server distributions that will get you started.

The 10 Best Linux Server Distributions


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