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Human relations with the environment need to change
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Human relations with the environment need to change

John Hallwas
John HallwasPIN IT

Yesterday was Earth Day 53. This event was held on April 22nd, 1970. It was established to draw attention to our environmental problems and encourage serious human responses. It now has global participation from those who recognize how dire our situation has become. Earth Day commentators estimate that there are more than a billion people participating annually from 190 nations.

It’s not surprising. There are many books, articles, TV reports, TV shows, and online sources that show a range of serious problems. These include climate change (which causes burning forests, rising sea level, increasing storms, etc.).Degraded water quality, pollution of the atmosphere, landscape degradation, loss and extinction of biodiversity, and degrading of the environment are some examples. These problems, together with the growing world population of humans who are causing them all, are already causing poverty and hunger.

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