India stated at the UNEA that the latest science and digital tools are needed to address the current environmental crisis. It is crucial to foster global knowledge and technology interchange without any barriers. India’s Union Environment Minister Bhupender Yodav spoke at a special session on Friday of the 5th United Nations Environment Assembly. It was held to commemorate the 50th anniversary UN Environment Programme (UNEP). “UNEP must celebrate its 50th anniversary to encourage international cooperation and promote collective action to address the most pressing environmental problem of our times, including climate change and the preservation and enhancement of biodiversity. The Union minister stressed the importance of using cutting-edge digital tools, technologies and science to address the current environmental crisis. Yadav stated that it was crucial to foster global technology and knowledge exchange without barriers.
The 5th UNEA began in Nairobi on February 28th and will end on Friday with the special session. “I congratulate UNEP for its 50-year history of exceptional service to the international community. Yadav mentioned that India has been working closely with UNEP since 1972 in order to tackle critical environmental challenges. “The UNEP has been a global leader in the protection of the environment. The minister stated that UNEP provides leadership and encourages collaboration in caring for the environment by inspiring and informing nations and enabling them to improve their quality-of-life without compromising the future generations. He recalled how India hosted the World Environment Day in 2018 on the theme “Beat Plastic Pollution”, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi urging the world to eliminate single-use plastic. “This Indian call gave momentum to significant action against plastic pollution around the world, culminating in the historic resolution being adopted. He stated that “Beat Plastic Pollution” will be institutionalized by this resolution. Yadav stated that UNEP should pay more attention to the issue of how to implement the agreement on its 50th anniversary. He stated that the provision of finance, technology transfer, and capacity building will ensure that this agreement is not just a burden on developing countries, but a path to a greener, healthier planet. He also said that sustainable lifestyles are essential for the survival of our planet. He stated that India believes that resource utilisation must be mindful, not reckless and destructive. The minister stated that the PM had made a clear call for LIFE- Lifestyle For Environment- at COP 26, in Glasgow. He stated that UNEP should be working with India to spread the message on LIFE to the international community in order to protect humanity and the environment.
Yadav stated that India hopes to strengthen its collaboration with UNEP on environmental issues, including multilateral and conventions relating to environment. Yadav also called on the UNEP to create a strong portfolio of projects, especially for delivering on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and other global environmental goals. “India is a strong and responsible country that speaks truth to power on climate change and biodiversity. Yadav said that India has sent a message of hope, optimism, and strength to all nations. A historic step was taken by 175 countries parties to the UNEA on March 2 to demand a legally binding agreement that addresses the entire life cycle of plastics, from production through disposal, by 2024. The UNEA stated that the mandate will inform text of the treaty, which an International Negotiating Committee will be tasked to draft and ratify over the next two-years.
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