INPEX CORPORATION (INPEX), announced that it was recognized as an Environmentally Sustainable Company under the Environmentally Sustainable Companies category of the third ESG Finance Award Japan, presented by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan.
ESG Finance Award Japan recognizes outstanding initiatives by financial institutions, intermediaries and enterprises that have made an impact on the environment or social business. ESG Finance Award Japan shares these top initiatives with society in order to promote and expand ESG financing.
ESG Finance Award Japan’s Environmentally Sustainable Companies Categories presents investors with specific examples from environmentally sustainable companies that incorporate key risks and opportunities to improve their corporate value. This helps them create positive environmental effects and increase their corporate worth.
INPEX, along with 34 other companies, was recognized as an Environmentally Sustainable Company for fulfilling certain information disclosure requirements regarding business opportunities, risks, and strategies related material environmental issues, key performance indicator and governance, taking into account industry specific factors.
INPEX will continue its efforts to promote sustainable management and the proper disclosure of information. This is part of its mission to create a brighter future. INPEX will increase its resilience and promote cleaner business operations to fulfill its two main social responsibilities, providing stable energy supply and responding climate change. In addition to integrating ESG into its business activities, the company will strive to create long-term value.
Inpex CorporationThis content was published on 04 March 2022The information contained in this document is the sole responsibility of the author. Distributed by PublicUnaltered and unedited, on 04/03/2022, 02:35.06 UTC.