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Intelligence: ‘Environmental’ Factor Sickened Abramovich, Ukrainian Negotiators | World News
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Intelligence: ‘Environmental’ Factor Sickened Abramovich, Ukrainian Negotiators | World News

Intelligence Suggests 'Environmental' Factor Sickened Abramovich, Ukrainian Negotiators -U.S. Official | World News

WASHINGTON, (Reuters) – The U.S. has confirmed that intelligence suggests that the sickening of Roman Abramovich, a Russian billionaire, and Ukrainian peace negotiators was not due to poisoning but an environmental factor.

According to sources familiar with the matter, Bellingcat and the Wall Street Journal reported that Abramovich and other negotiators had experienced symptoms of poisoning after a meeting in Kyiv.

According to the U.S. official, “The intelligence strongly suggests that this was environmental.” He added: “E.g. not poisoning.” The official spoke on condition that he remain anonymous and declined to provide further details.

(Reporting by Jonathan Landay, Writing by Rami Adyub, Editing by Jonathan Oatis

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