Natural landscapes like beaches, forests and parks, as well the availability and enjoyment of public open spaces for sports and entertainment, can reduce attention deficit disorders. Children who walk in nature improve their spatial working memory and cognitive function.
According to the most recent IPBES reportUrbanization can lead people to become more isolated from nature, which can make it harder for them to enjoy the mental health benefits that come with being in natural environments. It can also lead to exposure to air pollution that is most detrimental to mental health.
The positive effects of nature, including clean air and green environment, are significant for soft mental problems such as anxiety and depression. These have been the focus points in the 21st century.stCentury human situation, especially following the recent epidemic says Dr Nimesh G Desai Senior Consultant in Mental Health Expert, Public Health Expert, Former Director, IHBAS, Delhi.
Greenspace is a great place to play for children. They have a higher level of mental ability and find it relaxing. Micro-breaks can be taken to see nature and help with attention restoration.
The environment is more important than human beings. The environment is not affected by animals or plants. Human beings create climate change. Vibhu Rakesh (environmentalist and sustainability entrepreneur) says, “I am raising awareness about growing plants and conducting drive plantation drives.”

Nature can heal
Green walls, also known as a wall with plants and greenery, can be beneficial for elementary-level school children. Research shows that children who were exposed to a green wall scored higher on tests of selective attention. The green wall had a positive impact on children’s classroom evaluations. Children’s physical activity increased when a school garden was integrated into their curriculum. Sedentary behavior decreased. Children who spend more time outside and get breaks are more likely to concentrate. A study found that children learn 20 to 26 percent faster when they have plants in their classrooms.
Interacting in nature, especially when it is present with water, can increase self-esteem, mood, decrease anger, and improve overall psychological well-being. This can have positive effects on emotions, or behavior. Moving to homes in greener areas can have a positive impact on your mental health for up to three years after the move. Moving to a less green area can significantly impact your mental health, but it will return to its pre-move state within one year. This holds true for public green areas as well. The quality and accessibility of the city park areas are strong predictors for community well-being and physical health. Studies in Perth, Australia, found that residents in areas with high-quality open spaces have better mental health than those in low-quality open spaces. Open spaces are distinguished by their quality features, such as irrigated grasses, walking paths and lighting, as well as water features, water features, playgrounds and birdlife.
Environment improves mental and physical health
A study by Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center found a link between high levels of traffic-related pollution and anxiety. Although air pollution and other environmental hazards can pose a threat for our mental health, healthy environments can make us feel better and even have a curative impact. Local governments can play an important role in addressing mental health crises by reducing air pollution and increasing the availability of green space or establishing non-motorized and motorized transport options.

Numerous other health benefits are offered by the natural world. According to the Global Environmental Outlook, forests can be beneficial for both mental and physical well-being. Inger Andersen (Executive Director of UN Environment Programme), said that the full health benefits of nature are too numerous to list. She also stated that nature is the ultimate healthcare system.
I take a walk in a forest or in a garden whenever I need to feel rejuvenated and recharge my spirit.
A few days ago, while walking in a beautiful park, I noticed a bee trying extract nectar from red flowers. I stopped and continued to look at the bee, as she was busy with her job. As I watched her, I felt like time stood still, as though I was in a mindfulness meditation. Then, suddenly, this beautiful poetry emerged from that moment.
Are we all looking for the nectar?
Not knowing
It is carried within like a flower.
So do we.
“Being in nature is the best way to set the mind free and soar, says Dr Jitesh Khanna, Multi Awardee entrepreneur, social activist, writer, and poet.
The positive and calming effects of nature on a person’s well-being are unquestionable. It is important to co-exist with nature.
I look forward to spending time in the garden that I started 35 years ago. As long as I have my green friends, therapy is not necessary for me. Manju Boruah, Sustainable environmental entrepreneur, said that although I can’t remember how and when I got into gardening, it helps keep me sane in the midst of everything.