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Kamala Harris Surveys The World
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Kamala Harris Surveys The World

Kamala Harris Surveys the World


On December 16, Vice President Kamala Harris was elected


Manuel Balce Ceneta/Associated Press

The White House is rolling out

Kamala Harris

for year-end interviews in order to improve her public standing. A generous judgment is that this isn’t helping the Vice President or the country.

Her interview with


“Face the Nation” on Sunday. After some background on Covid, voting rights and the economy, host

Margaret Brennan

turned to foreign policy: “What do you see is the biggest national security challenge confronting the U.S.? What is the thing that worries you and keeps you up at night?”

Ms. Harris answered this way: “Frankly, one of them is our democracy. And that I can talk about because that’s not classified. . . . Foreign policy experts know that 2021 is not 2000. You know, I think there’s so much about foreign and domestic policy that, for example, was guided and prioritized based on Sept 11, 2001.

“And we are embarking on a new era where the threats to our nation take many forms, including the threat of autocracies taking over and having outsized influence around the world. I will return to our point regarding the need to defend the integrity of our democracy. In addition, it is obviously about what we need to do in the climate crisis.”

In a world of growing risks from China, Russia, Iran, cyber attacks and hypersonic weapons, the Vice President names U.S. democracy and climate change as America’s most important security challenges. Yikes. Perhaps she didn’t want to make news on a security question, so she fell back on her political safe spaces.

See Also

By “our democracy” she means the new state laws that address ballot integrity. Whatever else those laws are, they aren’t a threat to U.S. security. As for climate, we’d agree with her if she meant the threat of Biden Administration policies to reduce U.S. energy supplies and weaken the electrical grid. But she’s referring to rising temperatures and the urgent need to pass policies that have no chance—none—of stopping climate change.

This isn’t the real world of threats we are living in, and it’s dangerous that a year into the job she still can’t talk realistically about national security. The Vice President needs to be aided by people outside of her political bubble.

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Published in the December 27, 20,21 print edition.


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