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Let’s have kids amid a climate crisis – The Rocky Mountain Collegian
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Let’s have kids amid a climate crisis – The Rocky Mountain Collegian

Graphic illustration depicting the earth within a glass greenhouse (centered) with the words "Climate Column" over the top and two pieces of greenery to the left and right.


Graphic illustration depicting the earth within a glass greenhouse (centered) with the words "Climate Column" over the top and two pieces of greenery to the left and right.
The Collegian)| The Collegian)

Editor’s Note:All opinion section content is solely the views of the author and does not reflect The Collegian’s editorial board.

Eco-anxiety It is something that affects our lives in many different ways. Generation Z struggles to imagine what it might look like. Our future Despite such a severe climate crisis, it is likely that they will continue to be successful. A lot of people envision the future including the possibility of having children. 

According to a poll by the Morning Consult, “one in four childless adults cite climate change as a ‘major or minor’ reason they don’t have children.”

Many, the idea of bringing children into a world that’s struggling to cope with managing the ever-worsening state of our environment seems cruel, forcing them to deal with the consequences of the actions of generations of environmental mishandling. 

Clearly, there are many other factors that people consider before deciding to have kids, but if the idea of climate change is the one hanging you up, you shouldn’t let that hold you back.”

Despite all the reasons to not want children in a climate crisis, the fact that you have children should be a motivator for promoting significant change in the way we deal with this problem. Children are the future. We must make sure they have a safe and secure future. 

Yes, it’s scary, but Gen Z is the most mental health-orientedGeneration, and we have the skills to raise emotionally well-adjusted children. 

Apps such TikTok exist given riseThere are many parenting styles available, including gentle parenting. According to Very Well Family. gentle parenting focuses on “four main elements: empathy, respect, understanding and boundaries.” 

Gentle parenting allows children to explore their interests while still instilling respect for others and open communication. 

Clearly, there are many other factors that people consider before deciding to have kids, but if the idea of climate change is the one hanging you up, you shouldn’t let that hold you back. 

Fort Collins is aiming to be carbon neutralBy 2050, and many other policies around the world, limit the damage that future generations can do our environment. 

We’re in a very uncertain time, but by the time our children are able to think about how they impact the world, there will likely be a lot of new eco-friendly policies fully in action.

Carbon dioxide emissions per capita have been declining in the United States since 2005, and they will likely continue this downward pattern in the decades to come; however, that doesn’t mean we’re completely in the clear yet because the U.S. still has the largest carbon footprintThe world. 

Multiple countries have implemented taxesMany people are interested in this option in the United States. 

Gen Z has the power to raise wonderfully connected, respectful and self-aware children who can properly analyze and express their emotions, and this opportunity should not be clouded by doubt and fear about the environmental impact in the future.”

While deciding not have children may reduce your carbon footprint, there are more active and effective ways you can address climate change. These include donating to a respected charity or being a thoughtful buyer. 

There are many ways to raise children in ecofriendly homes, including buying. wooden toysInstead of plastic toys, which will eventually go to a landfill. 

Wooden toys have more space creativityInstead of having your child play only with one item, it is better to have them share the same thing. They’re cheaper and more durable, and they are biodegradable. 

See Also

There are many options for diapers that can be reused and eco-friendly, which is a given since babies go through a lot of diapers. cloth diapers. Most states offer some kind of diaper service. Colorado.

The service can deliver up to 70 cloth diapers to your home at once. They will also pick up the used diapers and professionally wash them. This is a cheaper option than diapers, as they are more expensive. going up.

There are many ecofriendly options. productsThere are many options. You can also furnish nurseries with repurposed furniture and a bit of DIY. 

While the climate crisis that we face is not easy to manage, the future is brighter for our children than you think. 

You are not the only one who is concerned about raising children on a dying planet. There are many eco-friendly parenting products you can buy to help you overcome this fear. 

Gen Z can raise wonderful connected, respectful and self aware children who can properly analyze their emotions and express them. If you are concerned about climate change, don’t worry. The future of the world is in your hands.

Reach Bella Eckburg at letters@collegian.comTwitter @yaycolor.


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