California Public Utilities Commission must reject the ill-advised proposal for rooftop solar that will be voted later this month.
It shows that California’s large utilities are far behind in efforts to conserve energy and combat climate change. This is not new. When rooftop solar was growing rapidly, California utilities could have embraced new technology years ago by horizontally or vertically integrating them into the industry by creating subsidiaries to manufacture, market, and install these panels, and then providing a power purchase arrangement with residential customers for the generated solar power.
The solar panel boom gained momentum, and utilities realized it was too late to enter the game. They are now trying to rectify their shortsighted business model.
Why should we, those who installed solar panels 14-years ago, and all others who plan to do so, be punished for trying help the environment and saving money?
The PUC has an opportunity to communicate to Californians how important solar power really is to our planet. These are changing times and if the Big 3 utilities cannot compete without resorting these tactics, it is not the fault for farsighted homeowners or small businesses. The problem is the utilities and their outdated thinking.
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