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Three Alsea School District administrators filed formal complaints against Superintendent Marc Thielman this week. They cited a hostile work environment and illegal firing practices, as well as disregard for any other viewpoints.

Mid-Valley Media obtained copies of the complaints filed by Katie Sapp (former assistant superintendent), elementary principal Shannon Rice, and Travis Rice, the district technology and communications manager. Travis Rice was placed on administrative leave paid for the day he filed his complaint.

Together, the complaints allege that staff are afraid to voice opinions contrary to Thielman. Thielman, who is running to be Oregon governor, made national headlines last month with his announcement that his school district would regain local control and no longer need to hide in opposition to current state protocols.

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These allegations portray Thielman’s character as a bully, a man who is easily distracted and sometimes inappropriate. All three stated that they feel unsafe in the current workplace.

Thielman declined to comment when Thielman reached out to him.

Unworkable conditions

Sapp, who has been working for the district since 2012 signed a separation agreement with it that was reportedly in effect at the Nov. 17 board meetings. Sapp, however, questions the legality. She claims she can’t find any evidence that the board authorized the agreement in public. She also claims that she was not invited to the meeting, which is her legal right.

She names Thielman as the District Board of Directors in her complaint. This is not the first time she’s brought up concerns to the board. In October, she reported ongoing harassment, intimidation, bullying by Thielman to Jeff Davis, acting board chair, and Risteen Folett, board member.

The complaint also indicates that she had a complaint against Keenan Elber (head of maintenance), for creating a hostile working environment. However, it doesn’t explain why.

Travis Rice, who filed the complaint, supported Sapps claims by citing an incident so outlandish that it got to a point where I had to get up from my chair to ensure nothing physical happened between Sapp or one of her subordinates.

‘Utterly disgusting’

Travis Rice also accuses Thielman, in another incident, of making derogatory, antiLGBTQ comments about a Facebook Live video. This comment was followed up by a personal anecdote about having sex in front of others.

Travis Rice wrote, “This was utterly disgusting. It made me so uncomfortable, I wanted to leave, but I didn’t feel I could.”

Travis Rice stated that the various incidents have made him paranoid. He also said that he now lives in fear of Nathan Roberts and Thielman, Technology Administrator Nathan Roberts. They are trying to cut me off from any technologically related activities and possibly trying to track all communications made by me.

Shannon Rice, the administrator who filed the only complaint this week and was not placed on paid administrative leaves, stated that she feels unsafe sharing her opinions with anyone unless they are in agreement with Thielmans. She stressed that this applies to all employees, including female employees.

Shannon Rice complained that he did not speak to all staff and admin about changing the masking rules. He ignores my concerns and makes it political when I bring them up, as per his request.

Thielman broke the Oregon Health Authority’s January rules and stopped enforcing school masks. He also stopped COVID-19 relief funding from being frozen and was fined by Oregon Occupational Safety and Health.

The move caused some controversy between Thielman and his school board members, who are often on board with Thielmans suggestions. Directors complained that Thielman hadn’t explained to them why they decided to get rid of masks at the school board meeting. Thielman denied that claim.

Shannon Rice complained that the race for governor has had an impact on the running of the schools. She expressed concern about Thielmans campaign manager, and the presence of bodyguards on campus.

Shannon Rice wrote that Marc told me he would burn me to death if I challenged his claims. You could easily cut the tension in this building with your knife, to put it mildly.

Thielman stated to Mid-Valley Media that he and the board could not discuss personnel matters during an open complaint process and would not speak to the media until the investigation is complete.

Each school district handles the public complaint process in its own way. According to Alsea’s website the superintendent would normally conduct an inquiry into the complaint. However, since these three were filed against Thielman the board chair Ron Koetz will examine it on behalf of his board. The board will then hear the findings and decide what actions they should take.

Four Mid-Valley Media requests for comment were not returned by Koetz.

Joanna Mann covers education at Mid-Valley Media. Joanna Mann can be reached at or 541-812-6076. Follow her Twitter @joanna_mann_ 

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