Radioactivity concentrations in gross And The long-term trends in drinking water and the sample
Radioactivity concentrations at gross And Table 3 shows the results for different types drinking water samples from Qinshan NPP between 2012 and 2020.
The gross Radioactivity concentrations of all types of drinking water samples between 2012 and 2020 range from 0.008 up to 0.078Bq/L. While the gross Radioactivity concentrations ranged between 0.072 and 0.286Bq/L. This study is generally consistent with previous studies. The findings of the Sanmen NPP preoperative survey are also consistent.36The gross anthropogenic emissions were located more than 200km away from the Qinshan nuclear plant. Radioactivity concentrations in drinking water samples range from 0.01 to 0.063Bq/L. The gross Radioactivity concentrations can range from 0.019 to 0.220Bq/L. A study of gross And Measurements in water from seven major geographic regions of China21The average gross values were shown Radioactivity concentration (0.0290.041Bq/L), and gross Radioactivity (0.0910.075Bq/L in the whole country, and the gross Radioactivity concentration (0.02040.0321Bq/L), and gross Radioactivity (0.09120.0548Bq/L), East China, the location of Qinshan NPP Comparative results indicate that radioactivity levels in drinking water near the Qinshan NPP have remained low and secure.
All radioactivity concentrations gross And This study is below the WHO reference levels (0.5Bq/L gross). 1.0Bq/L gross ), which means that the three types of water are acceptable for residents to consume from the perspective of radiological protection.
The gross The radioactivity concentrations of raw, factory and tap water samples have mean levels of 0.0260.022Bq/L 0.0140.008Bq/L 0.0130.004Bq/L. The averages of the gross Radioactivity concentrations in the raw, factory, or tap water samples are respectively 0.1920.044Bq/L and 0.1820.033Bq/L and 0.1720.063Bq/L. All radioactivity concentrations of gross They are greater than the gross . The rank order for radioactivity concentrations for both gross And The following is the order: raw water>factorywater>tap water The gross Radioactivity concentrations in tap and factory water are significantly lower that those in raw water. This means that water treatment processes in waterworks can be used to reduce radiation dose from water intake by decreasing the gross Radioactivity concentrations These results are extremely meaningful. Radiation exposure due to gross It is more concerning than the gross Because Radiation doses to the body from particles are greater than those of other substances.
The gross difference And Radioactivity concentrations in drinking water samples from different periods were determined using Paired Samples t-test (SPSS 24.0). Table 4 shows the results. The results of this study show that there is no statistical difference between dry and wet seasons. Some studies concluded the gross And Radioactivity concentrations in raw water samples are higher in dry season than in wet seasons due to higher radioactive deposition during dry season and the dilution effects of rainfall during wet season37,38. Despite this, there has not been any significant climate change in Haiyan County between the dry season and the wet season, where the Qinshan NPP can be found.39Possibly because of this.
Table 5 presents the trends analysis based on monitoring data for three types water. All of the ZValues are less than Z0.975=1.976, which suggests an increasing or decreasing trend over the period 2012 to 2020.
Ambient environmental accumulated doses and long-term trends
Table 6 shows the monitoring results for ambient environmental accumulated dose in Qinshan NPP between 2012 and 2020. Table 6 shows the ambient environmental accumulated dose values from 2012 to 2020. The mean value is 0.3320.111mSv. The results of this study agree with previously published findings. These findings were based on continuous supervision monitoring the environmental radioactivity level surrounding the Qinshan NPP, performed by Zhejiang Province Radiation Environmental Monitoring. This monitoring was done from 1991 to 2011.40. The average accumulated dosing rate measured by TLDs during those 20 years was 86.9 Ngy/h. On an annual basis, this was converted into an accumulated dosage of 0.53mSv. Prior to the operation at the Qinshan NPP the average accumulated dosing rate was 109 Ngy/h. That corresponds to an average dose of 0.67mSv per year.40. Additionally, the pre-operational investigations of the Sanmen NPP for the period 2015 to 2017, showed that the ambient environmental cumulative dose ranged between 0.321 and 0.411 mSv.11. Comparing the results from the two studies shows that the ambient radiation level around the Qinshan NPP is constant at the natural background radiation levels. This is unlikely to change over the next three decades.
These are the MannKendall results for the quarterly monitoring data from 30 monitoring points over a period of 2012 to 2020. Z=1.30, Z0.975=1.976 and |Z|<Z0.975indicating that there is no consistent trend.
Trend analysis results confirm that the ambient radioactive level near the Qinshan NPP fluctuates naturally, and does not increase during operation of the NPP.
Age-dependent excess risk and effective dose annually
The primary objective of the evaluation is to determine the gross And Radioactivity concentrations are to ensure that radioactivity is not exceeded AEDThe 1 year’s drinking water consumption will not cause radiological effects.4,41. The Table 7 results range from 3.910 to 3.910.4Up to 9.3103mSv/year across the entire population, 2012-2020, suggesting that all the calculations have been made. AEDValues are lower than the reference dose level.
The AEDThe ingestion of water can cause diarrhea. This is determined by the annual water consumption volume, which varies by region and age.14. Due to a lack of data on the annual Chinese ingestion volume, the WHO-recommended volume for drinking water for adults was used for the calculations of the previous studies. AEDRegardless of differences in age or geographical location10,14,42. In this study, the age-dependent annual dose effective (AEDi)The average Haiyan consumption volume was combined with detailed consumption data for different age groups. Comparing the average AEDsThe 23-year old had the highest value of 6.4710 among all age groups.3mSv, while the 12-year old group had the lowest value of 0.73103mSv. In the meantime, the corresponding ERsOf AEDsTable 8 shows the estimated age groups for each age group. Table 8 shows the estimated age ranges for each age group. ERsThe average age of the entire population is 1.6106Up to 3.71105, which are below 3.9910 recommended risk level4Refer to the reference dose level4.
These results indicate that radiation exposure via ingestion of drinking water poses a low risk to the entire population. Accordingly to radiation protection, tap water near the Qinshan NPP can be regarded as safe to drink.
A statistical overview AEDsAs well as ERsTable 8 shows the effects of ambient environmental exposure on the population living around Qinshan NPP between 2012 and 2020. Table 8. AEDResults range from 1.44102mSv/year: 8.02102mSv/year, for the entire population from 2012 to 2020 The highest average AED, 4.416102mSv/year is found within the >18-year old group and the smallest at 1.959102mSv/year can be found in the 912-years-old group. The corresponding ERsThere are 1.7621047.82105, respectively. The average radiological effects estimate by the United Nations Scientific Committee on Radiological Effects is. AEDThe amount of terrestrial radiation received per person (outdoors or indoors) is between 0.3 and 1mSv, with an averaging of 0.48mSv35. The result is that the AEDExposure to the ambient environment only contributes to a small portion of the total radiation dose but is within a reasonable limit.
This study’s results are lower than previous ones10,43Because the AEDThe amount of outdoor activity is a key factor in the effects of ambient environmental exposure. In previous studies, the outdoor occupancy factor of 0.2 was overestimated. AEDQinshan NPP is a popular choice.
Cancer incidence around Qinshan NPP
Incidence of all types of cancer
Between 2012 and 2020, there were 14,075 cases of malignant tumors reported in the vicinity Qinshan NPP. There was a crude incidence of 412.12/100,000. There was also an ASIRC (age standard incidence rate by Chinese 2020 population) at 221.35/100,000. The ASIRW (age standard incidence rate according to WHO 2000 standard population), of 211.17/100,000. 7,279 cases were reported as males with an incidence rate of 432.38/100,000. An ASIRC was 226.66/100,000. and an ASIRW was 216.33/100,000. 6796 cases were reported as females with an incidence rate 392.43/100,000. An ASIRC was 225.20/100,000. and an ASIRW at 211.36/100,000. The ASIRC of residents living around Qinshan NPP corresponds to that of the whole Zhejiang Province44 (both sexes: 220.79/100,000; males: 220.05/100,000; females: 222.65/100,000). All cancers combined, the ASIRC was stable during the study period 2012-2022; males: 220.05/100,000; females: 222.65/100,000). A slight upwards trend for females was observed (APC=5.7% 95% CI 3.77.8%). Table 9 provides more details.
The crude incidence rate shows that lung cancer is the most common form of cancer among residents in Qinshan NPP. This accounts for 22.78% of all new cases in both sexes. 27.08% for males and 18.17% for females. In descending order, the 10 most common cancers in men are those of the lung, stomach, liver, stomach and prostate. They also account for nearly four-fifths (or 4.5%) of all cancer cases. Lung, thyroid, breast and colorectum are the most common cancers in women. They also include pancreas, stomach cervix, uterus, brain, central nervous system, and stomach cancers.

From 2012 to 2020, the distribution of cancer cases around Qinshan NPP. (A) Both sexes, (B) males, and (C) females. The area of the pie charts for each sex reflects the percentage of total cases.
Radiosensitive cancer is a common occurrence
From 2012 to 2020, 258 cases of leukaemia occurred in the vicinity Qinshan NPP. These cases accounted for 1.83% all cases. The ASIRC for leukaemia was stable during this period (APC=1.4% and 95%CI 5.4 to 2.7%). The ASIRC of leukaemia for Zhejiang Province from 2010 to 2014 was 5.26/100,000. This is in line with the current study.45 (Table 11). These results indicate that there has not been an increase in the incidences of leukaemia among the population living near the Qinshan NPP.
1469 new cases were reported. They account for 10.44% (43.01/100,000.) There was an ASIRC 33.68/100,000. There was also an ASIRW 29.17/100,000. Table 10 shows that the ASIRC for females (16.01/100,000.000) was 3.2x higher than that for males (51.16/100,000.000). Between 2012 and 2020, the ASIRC for thyroid cancer increased by 3.62 times, from 14.50/100,000. to 52.54/100,000. (Table 10). The ASIRC of thyroid carcinoma in both sexes within the Qinshan NPP has increased by 16.3% per annum over the same period (95% CI 9.23.5%).
The ASIRC for thyroid cancer in this study was higher than in a previous study from Zhejiang Province between 2010 and 2014 (24.11/100,000.)46. This can be explained by the temporal trend in increasing thyroid cancer ASIRC both within Zhejiang Province46(APC=28.62%; 95% CI 21.136.722) and nationwide in China47(APC=15.38%; 95% CI 13166%). Thyroid carcinomas can be caused by a variety of risk factors, including ionizing radiation and iodine intake, female hormones, body mass index (BMI), and female hormones.48. The radiation doses and associated excess risks for thyroid cancers were too low to account the increase in thyroid cancers around the Qinshan NPP, according to this study. Thyroid cancer incidence has been increasing. This is likely due to the increased availability and improved quality of thyroid gland imaging examination techniques.46,48. Another possible reason is the rise in obesity and overweight in China.49Because there is a linear dose-response relationship between BMI, thyroid cancer and BMI50,51.
The topic of cancer incidence, particularly radiosensitive cancers (leukaemia, thyroid cancer), in the vicinity NPPs has been a matter of great scientific interest and public concern. NPPs can be a source of radioactive material in our environment. Many studies have only focused on cancer incidence using epidemiological methods. These methods do not provide radiation exposure data on people or use distance from NPPs as a surrogate. To assess the radiation dose of NPPs that are normally operational on cancer incidence in the surrounding community, it is essential to know that radiation dose is an important factor. The present study used long-term monitoring data to determine the gross. And Radioactivity concentrations in drinking waters and the accumulated dose of the ambient environment show that radioactivity levels around Qinshan NPP levels are at natural background radiation levels. The resulting AEDAnd ERThey are relatively low and secure. Qinshan NPP will not likely cause an increase in cancer incidence among the surrounding population.
We argue that although the incidence rates for thyroid cancer are high near the Qinshan NPP, there are uncertainties about the conclusion that people who live close to the NPP are at greater risk of developing thyroid cancer. To clarify the relationship between thyroid cancer incidence, living near the NPP, and the risk of developing it, further research is needed. Radiation-induced thyroid cancer is highly dependent on the radiation dose received and the age at the time of exposure.18A combination of continuous monitoring of radioactivity levels and well-designed cohort studies, which are capable of controlling any confounding variables, could help to gain a better understanding of the relationship.
To accurately assess radiation doses and determine the health of the surrounding population, it is necessary to continue monitoring the population. A continuous monitoring of the population is required to assess the health status of the surrounding population, given the uncertainty about the long-term effects of radiation exposure to low doses.52.