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Make the environment a holiday gift this season by joining the aquarium beach cleanup – Campbell River Mirror
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Make the environment a holiday gift this season by joining the aquarium beach cleanup – Campbell River Mirror

Give the environment a present this holiday season; join the aquarium beach clean up

Join the Discovery Passage Aquarium Tuesday December 21 for a beach cleanup

Give the gift of cleaner beaches this holiday season by joining the Discovery Passage Aquarium’s beach clean up.

Beaches are vital links between our oceans, land, and sea. They are essential for maintaining the health of our ocean ecosystems. The Discovery Passage Aquarium has a long history in beach clean-ups and is committed to keeping our beaches clean for the future.

Join the Discovery Passage Aquarium Tuesday December 21st for a beach clean-up between Dahl Road & Maryland Road. Meet at the Ken Ford Boat Ramp parking lot by 10 a.m., then walk to the clean-up location.

If you are interested in participating, email [email protected] with your name, phone number, and number of people in your group. The Discovery Passage Aquarium will provide all cleaning gear. Make sure to dress for winter and wear sturdy, non-slip shoes

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The Discovery Passage Aquarium provides a unique educational experience that is fun and engaging for all ages. Visitors can interact with amazing marine species and discover the diversity in aquatic life at the Discovery Passage. The aquarium uses a catch and release system, which means that animals are collected in spring and returned to their ecosystems in fall. The Discovery Passage Aquarium is located across from the Discovery Pier, on the Island Highway, and is open from May – September annually.

RELATED : Discovery Aquarium will hold an annual sea star survey this weekend

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