The Maryland Catholic Conference hosted a virtual townhall Feb. 15 to discuss Catholics’ responsibility to care for Maryland’s creation.
The town hall was livestreamed via Facebook YouTube, was a local response to Pope Francis’ call to care for our common home in his encyclical letter Laudato Si, in which he reminds the faithful of their moral and spiritual responsibilities for taking care of Gods creation.
Baltimore Archbishop William E. Lori, a panelist, stated that we are not its masters or owners, but rather its stewards. That must be done locally. If it doesn’t happen locally it’s not happening.
Some of the topics discussed are: protection of the Chesapeake Bay; pollution in Baltimore City affecting the health and well-being of minorities; environmental legislation and policies; construction practices; and practical advice for residents.
Maryland State Senator Jill Carter, District 41, spoke out about the effects of climate change on Baltimore City.
She said that asthma-related hospitalizations in Baltimore are twice as high as those in Maryland, and three times higher, than the average for the United States. Three out five African Americans and Hispanic Americans are residents of toxic-waste communities.
Carter stated that it is the history and legacy of segregation as well as redlining that has created the conditions we live in today. We must improve education opportunities and give voice to those most affected communities in order to achieve environmental justice.
Robin Clark, Chesapeake Bay Foundation staff attorney, stated that climate change is one the most pressing problems facing the bay.

She stated that it is making bay cleaning up more difficult. We’re seeing more frequent and severe rain storms, as well as overall more volume of rain.
Clark states that one way to prevent flooding in cities, towns, or suburban areas is by planting trees and implementing treatment plants. These plants have cooling effects and can also improve water quality.
She noted that there has been progress across the entire watershed since 2010, with the Chesapeake Clean Water Blueprint. In which nitrogen pollution has been reduced to 44%, The project, which aims to improve water quality and will be completed in 2025.
Chris Becraft, a partner at Underwood & Associates, Annapolis, stated that construction practices must continue to evolve with science and design in order to restore the ecosystem.
Russell Dickerson, a member of Maryland’s Commission on Climate Change, suggested that families could help the environment by riding bikes, planting trees, and replacing gas furnaces with geothermal. He also suggested talking to congressional leaders about environmental issues.
Costello applauded Archbishop Lori’s commitment to maintaining Catholic schools and parishes engaged with environmentally conscious practices like energy-efficient lighting and entering into power purchase agreements, transforming asphalt lots into green space, and planting trees.
Archbishop Lori stated that caring for the environment is not only about taking care of our common home, but also about protecting the dignity and rights of all human beings. We are committed to continuing to work with our partners to bring about environmental justice. We also want to encourage personal responsibility in caring and protecting the gift God has given us to care for over our lifetimes.
Jamie Costello, WMAR TV news anchor, moderated and Father Raymond Harris (pastor of Holy Family Catholic Church Randallstown) led the initial prayer. Benjamin Brooks, delegate to the United States, was also a featured speaker.
The Maryland Catholic Conference will host another town-hall on the environment with Cardinal Gregory on March 9, 2022. To be announced.
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