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Milestone continues to make environmental improvements
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Milestone continues to make environmental improvements

Milestone Environmental Services, which is based in Colorado, announced plans to launch a new business unit, a carbon capture & sequestration business unit.

Chris Davis, Milestone’s vice president of carbon sequestration since that announcement, stated that Milestone has been curating and evaluating various locations for carbon injection wells.

He said that many of the sites being evaluated had experienced hydrocarbon production activity, and have infrastructure such as roads and well pads. Milestone sees opportunity for its new venture at the frontiers of activity in Permian Basin. He said that Milestone is not looking to be in the most active areas.

Davis stated that there is a lot of enthusiasm and interest for carbon capture, especially since the technologies and concepts to implement carbon capture have become more feasible and affordable.

He said that it will require all stakeholders, from landowners and carbon emitters, to be involved.

In a telephone interview, he stated that without all stakeholders involved, we can’t build.

Milestone is also keeping an eye on the fate of the Build back Better legislation in the US Senate. This legislation includes provisions to encourage carbon capture projects, Davis stated.

He explained that the legislation includes provisions that allow for more projects to be funded than we can currently. Build Back Better allows (the industry) to look at larger-scope projects that can advance carbon capture.

Milestone is focusing on its traditional energy waste management business and acquiring a facility for energy waste disposal in the Texas city Center. It includes an active slurry injector facility and two wells. Two permits are included with the purchase to allow for additional landfills. One is in Panola County’s Haynesville and one is in Martin County. Both can take solid waste. It is not clear when they will be built.

Frank Schageman chief financial officer said that Milestone was a Permian basin- and Eagle Ford-centric firm. The company had previously owned a Jasper site that it sold as it was closer to the Gulf Coast and the Haynesville.

He said that Center is an opportunity for a facility to be built in the Haynesville gas market.

Schageman stated that Milestone clients in the area are interested in environmental conservation. They view the Piney Woods to be valuable. They are interested in the beauty of the Piney Woods and want to preserve it while also developing its resources.

Haynesville is a natural-gas-dominant play. Therefore, expanding in this area makes sense.

The demand for the fuel is increasing, especially for export as liquefied natural gases to Europe and Asia.

He stated that natural gas is now a globally used fuel. The US has an incredible opportunity to ship gas worldwide.

Milestone president and CEO Gabriel Rio said that E&P operators will increasingly choose professional management for their energy waste streams. This will require more infrastructure to handle the growing demand. We believe Haynesville will grow in demand due to the increase in global natural gas consumption as the world shifts to lower-carbon energy sources. This strategic acquisition was made to support Milestones growth and serve the environmental needs of E&P companies in major U.S. basins.

He said that the Permian is experiencing a high demand for crude oil and gas, which is leading to the need for more drilling. However, drilling must be done responsibly.

Rio said that in the past, the company’s mission has been to Clean Up Energy. This will enable customers to fulfill their commitments to reduce carbon emissions and produce clean energy.

Milestones Center is currently the ninth facility and accepts all RCRA exempt drilling, completion, production, and waste streams. Milestone has seven slurries that can accept liquid waste and two landfills which accept solid waste, one near Orla and one in Upton County.

Schageman stated that we wouldn’t have invested as aggressively if we didn’t believe in the industry’s future.

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