By University of South Carolina Timothy A. Mousseau
March 13, 2022

Since 1986’s nuclear disaster, much of the Chernobyl region has remained untouched.
The site of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in northern Ukraine has been surrounded for more than three decades by a 1,000-square-mile (2,600-square-kilometer) exclusion zone that keeps people out. On April 26, 1986, Chernobyl’s Human error caused reactor number 4 to melt down, releasing vast quantities of radioactive particles and gases into the surrounding landscape – Radioactivity 400 times greaterThe atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima in the mid-nineties did not have the same effect on the environment. The exclusion zone is designed to contain radioactive contaminants. It also protects the area from human disturbance.
Except for a few industrial areas, the majority of the exclusion zone appears almost normal. Some areas have seen significant returns of plants and animals in areas where radiation levels have fallen over time.
Scientists have suggested that the area has become an Eden for wildlife. Others are skepticalThis possibility is possible. In areas with high radioactivity, appearances can be deceiving. Bird, mammal, Insect population sizes and diversity are significantly lower than in the “clean” parts of the exclusion zone.

A fox at the Chernobyl Nuclear Energy Plant. Credit: T. A. Mousseau, 2019, CC BY ND
I’ve spent more than 20 years Working in Ukraine, Japan, Fukushima, Japan, and Belarus, largely Concentrated on the radiation effects. Over the past days, I was asked numerous times why Russian forces entered Ukraine via this atomic desert and what the environmental implications of military activity in that area might be.
The Chernobyl facility was still under Russian control at the beginning of March 2022.
Why invade via Chernobyl
The strategic benefits of locating military operations in the Chernobyl exclusion area seem obvious in hindsight. It is a vast area, unpopulated, connected by a paved highway that leads to the Ukrainian capital. There are no obstacles or human developments. The Chernobyl area borders Belarus, making it immune to attack by Ukrainian forces from the North. The reactor site’s industrial area is, in effect, a large parking lot suitable for staging an invading army’s thousands of vehicles.
The main power plant site also houses a main Switching network for the electrical gridThe entire region. It’s possible to turn the lights off in Kyiv from here, even though the power plant itself has not generated any electricity since 2000, when the last of Chernobyl’s four reactors was shut down. Such control over the power supply likely has strategic importance, although Kyiv’s electrical needs could probably also be supplied via other nodes on the Ukrainian national power grid.
Given the unlikely possibility that Ukrainian or other forces would be at risk of combat on a site with more than 5.3million pounds (2.4million kilograms) of nuclear fuel, the reactor site offers significant protection against aerial attack. radioactive spent nuclear fuel. This is the Radioactive materialDuring normal operations, radioactive material is released by a nuclear reaction. A direct hit on the power plant’s spent fuel pools or dry cask storage facilities could release substantially more radioactive material into the environment than the original meltdown and explosions in 1986 and thus cause an environmental disaster of global proportions.

View from a distance of the power station site, with the containment structure over the destroyed reactor. T.A. Mousseau, CC BY ND
Chernobyl’s ground environment
Chernobyl is the exclusion zone. It is among the most radioactively polluted areas on the globe. Many acres surround the reactor site have radiation dose rates that exceed typical. Background levels multiplied by thousands. In parts of the so-called Red Forest near the power plant it’s possible to receive a dangerous radiation doseIn just a few days.
The first visible environmental impact of the invasion was recorded by radiation monitoring stations in the Chernobyl Zone. The Ukrainian Chernobyl EcoCenter installed sensors to detect accidents and forest fires. They showed dramatic increases in radiation levels along major roads, right next to the reactor facilities. After 9 p.m.February 24, 2022. That’s when Russian invaders reached the area from neighboring Belarus.
The radiation levels rose most in the immediate vicinity to the reactor buildings. There was concern that the containment structures might have been damaged. However, Russian authorities have confirmed this. This possibility was denied. The sensor network suddenly abruptly Stop reportingThe troop movements began on February 25th and did not resume until March 1st, 2022. It is therefore unclear what the exact magnitude of the disruption caused to the region by the troop movements.
If, in fact, it was dust stirred up by vehicles and not damage to any containment facilities that caused the rise in radiation readings, and assuming the increase lasted for just a few hours, it’s Not likely to be a concern for the long-termAs soon as troops move through, the dust will settle once again.
But both the Russian soldiers and the Ukrainian workers at the power plants who were involved in the attack, been held hostageSome of the dust was inhaled by a number of people, including myself. Chernobyl exclusion zones dirt has been identified by researchers Can contain radionuclidesAlso includes strontium-90 and cesium-137 There are many isotopes for plutoniumuranium and americium-241. Even at very low levels, they’re all Inhaled can cause cancer, toxic, or both.

Forest fires can release radioactive particles trapped in burning materials, as was the case in 2020 in Chernobyl exclusion area.
Potential effects further afield
The potential release to the atmosphere radionuclides stored within soil and plants in the event of a forest fire is a greater threat to the environment.
These fires have increased in size, frequency, and intensity due to climate change. They have also released radioactive materials back into air. They were dispersed far and wide.. Radioactive fallout from forest firesThe Chernobyl site may pose the greatest threat to the human population downwind of the area. Wildlife within the exclusion zones.
The zone is home to a large number of Dead treesDebris that could fuel a fire. Even in the absence of combat, military activity – like thousands of troops transiting, eating, smoking and building campfires to stay warm – increases the risk of forest fires.

A bird with a tumor at its head from Chernobyl. T. A. Mousseau, 2009, CC BY ND
It’s It is difficult to predict the impact of radioactive fallouton people, but the Consequences for fauna and floraThese effects have been well documented. Even low levels of radionuclides have been shown to cause a wide range of health problems in wildlife. Genetic mutations, Tumors, Eye cataracts, SterilityAnd neurological impairmentAlong with the reductions in population sizesAnd BiodiversityHigh contamination areas
There is no “safe” levelIonizing radiation is a serious problem. The level of radiation exposure is directly related to the dangers to human life. The radiation confinement facilities at Chernobyl and at other sites could be damaged if the conflict escalates. 15 nuclear reactorsThe environment would also be affected at four other locations in Ukraine.
Written by Timothy A. Mousseau (Professor of Biological Sciences, University of South Carolina).
This article was first published in The Conversation.