On May 5, Battambang hosted the celebrations of National and World Environment Day. ENVIRONMENT MINISTRY
On May 5, the Ministry of Environment observed National and World Environment Day. But, the date was not observed on June 5. Instead, it was observed one-month earlier due to the election of Battambang’s commune council. The purpose of this day is to promote environmentally friendly actions that enhance the planet’s beauty and protect the welfare of all who live there.
The event was organized jointly by the ministry’s General Directorate of Environmental Knowledge and Information and the provincial administration. It was presided by Prum Sophy (ministère undersecretary of state).
It was attended also by Thou Phea, the provincial deputy governor and the general departments acting head Touch Vina as well as Heng Thea (Battambang town Governor).
Teachers, students, youths as well as the general public and community members, celebrated the occasion with Minebea Cambodia and Coca-Cola, DCA and CAMBREW, Caritas, Caritas, and the Wildlife Organization, who all took part in the celebrations.
Vina stated at the event that the observation of World Environment Day was important as it represented a collective effort by government and society to support the environment cause.
He added that today’s celebration would be a powerful force to promote eco-friendly activities and contribute to making the planet cleaner, greener and more beautiful. This will also lead to better health and better welfare for everyone.
Prum Sophy explained that today’s gathering was intended to showcase the achievements made by the government in relation to their Covid-19 vaccination campaign to boost herd immunity. It also protects the lives and health of everyone across the country, regardless if they are political or not.
The world is increasingly paying attention to environmental work. This requires all stakeholders to come together, including those in national, regional and international governance.
He stated that it was important to work together in order to preserve the safety of the Earth, social progress, and sustainable living.
Sophy explained that designating a specific day on the calendar to be the official day for a given issue is done in order to raise public awareness about the issues, in this case, the environment.
He stated that increased public awareness could encourage communities and individuals to be active agents for sustainable, environmentally-friendly development.
It could encourage the public and private sector to work together to prevent environmental damage.
This year, Cambodia marks the 29th anniversary of the World Environment Day. This year’s national theme is Care for the Planet for Our Health. The theme for the World Environment Day this year is One Planet.