
What will Montclair do to tackle climate change? As world leaders meet in Scotland to discuss climate change, and Washington political leaders debate climate policy locally, residents have a chance to speak up.
On Saturday, more than 100 Montclairions marched to Wellmont Plaza to call for a halt to the use of fossil fuels and to support renewable energy. The event featured music and speeches from environmental leaders. It also called for strong political leadership to address the climate change crisis. The following organizations sponsored the event, which was coordinated by David Korfhage from Montclair Climate Action.
Blue Wave NJ
Clean Water Action
Environment NJ
Food and Water Watch in NJ
League of Women Voters Montclair
Montclair Climate Action
Montclair Democrats
New Jersey Student Sustainability Coalition
Northeast Earth Coalition
Sierra Club Gateway Group
Sunrise Montclair
350 NJ-Rockland