MONTREAL, Feb. 8, 2022/CNW Telbec/ – After the disturbing revelations regarding recycling in MontrealThe Official Opposition is requesting that the Plante administration be held accountable to Montrealers, and be more transparent on this matter. Ensemble Montral’s elected officials plan to file a motion asking the City Council to hold a plenary session for the Environment Department to present a strategy to improve the performance of the department. Montreal’sRecycling centers
“Since 2018, nearly $35MThe public has disbursed funds in the MontrealTo a bankrupt company and a new dysfunctional sorting facility with over-contaminated bales. India. It’s high time that the Plante administration takes responsibility for its management and shows that the environment isn’t just a slogan for its party.” Aref SalemLeader of the Official Opinion.
Ensemble Montral’s elected officials are now more concerned than ever that Plante’s answers to journalists’ revelations may be contradictory. Marie-Andre Mauger (person in charge of the environment, ecological transition, and executive committee) said that she was speechless when she saw Enqute’s report on the high contamination rate. Montreal’sbales despite Ricova sending the administration monthly reports. The reason the administration triggered an audit several month ago, as La Presse+ reveals, is also a mystery. February 6If all seemed to be going well at the sorting centers,
“The truth is that, without the exceptional investigative work by journalists, the Plante administration could have continued to make Montrealers believe that recycling is easy.” Montrealers are not recycling for nothing. What is being done about the environment? We need explanations and a plan,” said Stphanie Valenzuela (the Official Opposition’s environmental critic).
The motion also requests disclosure of Ricova’s monthly reports to the MontrealThe latter should establish a clear timeline to reduce the amount of contamination in the paper bales leaving the facility. MontrealSorting centers
Ensemble Montral submitted a similar request in 2020. However, it was rejected by the majority of Projet Montral’s elected officials. The Opposition demands that the administration do things differently in 2019 to restore Montreal’s international image and rebuild the confidence of Montrealers.
SOURCE Ville de Montral – Opposition officielle l’Htel de Ville de Montral
For further information: Guillaume Pelletier, Press secretary, Cabinet de l’Opposition officielle, 438-821-2278