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Multicloud environments can be complex and pose a risk to digital transformation
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Multicloud environments can be complex and pose a risk to digital transformation

multicloud environment digital transformation

Dynatrace has announced the results of a global survey of 1,300 IT professionals involved in infrastructure management. The research shows the challenges organizations face when they turn to multicloud architectures in order to maintain the speed of digital transformation.

multicloud environment digital transformation

Multicloud strategies have created a lot of complexity. Infrastructure teams are drowning in data trying to manage the constantly changing environment. This has led to teams spending more time on routine, manual tasks, which is limiting their ability for innovation and highlighting the need to increase use of AI and automation.

Multicloud strategies essential to keep up with digital transformation

  • 99 percent of organizations have multicloud environments, with an average of 5 platforms. These include Amazon Web Services (MS Azure), Google Cloud Platform (Google Cloud Platform), IBM Red Hat, and many others.
  • Organizations rely on 7 infrastructure monitoring solutions on average to manage multicloud environments. 57% claim this makes it difficult to optimize infrastructure performance, resource consumption, and infrastructure performance.
  • 81% say Kubernetes makes their infrastructure more dynamic and difficult to manage.
  • 56% believe that traditional infrastructure monitoring solutions no longer work in an age of Kubernetes, multiple clouds, and other cloud environments.

Multicloud strategies are critical for keeping up with digital transformation’s rapid pace, but teams are finding it difficult to manage the complexity of these environments. Bernd GreifenederDynatrace CTO, Jeremy.

Increasing dependencies are increasing at an exponential rate, due to faster deployment frequency and cloud native architectures that allow for constant change. Open-source technologies add complexity to the equation by requiring teams to deal with more data. The problem is made worse by the fact that each platform or cloud service has its own monitoring solution.

“To build a complete picture, teams are forced to manually extract insights from each solution and then piece these together with data from other dashboards. It is essential that organizations find a way for these teams to be able to reduce the time spent on manual tasks so they can refocus on strategic work and deliver high-quality services to customers.

Additional findings

  • 61% of IT leaders claim that observability blindspots within multicloud environments are posing a greater threat to digital transformation, as teams don’t have an easy way to monitor their infrastructure from end-to–end.
  • 58% of IT leaders believe infrastructure management is a growing strain on resources. As their use of cloud services increases, their teams are forced switch between different solutions and dashboards in order to gain insight.
  • 42% of IT teams waste time on manual, routine work that keeps the lights on in their environments. This creates a significant productivity drain and leads to missed revenue opportunities because of delays to innovation.
  • 56% of IT leaders believe that traditional infrastructure monitoring methods must be replaced by a platform that can provide end to end observability across multicloud environments.

Greifeneder stated that infrastructure teams require AI-driven solutions that automate as many of their manual tasks as possible. Teams can reduce manual effort and maintain end-to-end visibility across hybrid, multicloud environments with automatic continuous discovery and instrumentation. However, just having observability is not enough. It is important to have access to specific answers that will help teams optimize their environments efficiently and effectively.

“Traditional approaches simply cant keep up, due to their heavy reliance on manual work. Organizations need an intelligent approach that combines AI and automation. This will free up time for teams and allow them to focus on improving user experiences and speeding innovation.

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