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Negotiations to Launch a New Global Plastics Treaty – Environment
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Negotiations to Launch a New Global Plastics Treaty – Environment

Today, the United Nations Environment Assembly adopted a wide range of recommendations.
Negotiating mandate for an international legally binding new law
agreement on plastic pollution Inger Andersen, Executive
Director of the United Nations Environment Programme
(UNEP),HeraldedAgreement on theresolution“The most important”
international multilateral environmental deal since Paris.”
The mandate calls for countries to adopt a final agreement.
Agreement by 2024, which includes legally binding
Addressing the problem: obligations and voluntary engagements
plasticpollution throughout the entire product lifecycle.

The Negotiating Mandate

The Executive Director of UNEP is requested to sign the final resolution.
To develop, convene an Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC).
An international legally binding instrument to combat plastic pollution
“Based on a comprehensive and holistic approach that addresses the whole of the issue
Plastic’s lifecycle The instrument must include provisions
“Promote sustainable production of and consumption
plastics, including product design, and
Resourceful waste management that is environmentally responsible
Efficiency and circular economy approaches. . .” The new
Agreement will also include provisions to promote
International and national cooperative measures to reduce plastic
“Pollution in the Marine Environment” Other countries will also be looking for
Agreement on provisions focusing on education and awareness-raising
Information exchange and other obligations.

The instrument allows for country-driven approaches.
Flexibility taking into consideration national circumstances These are
To include national action plans for prevention
Reduce, eliminate, or eliminate plastic pollution.
Both binding and voluntary approaches are possible.

Recognizing that there are certain aspects to plasticpollution
Already addressed in other multilateral agreements (e.g. MARPOL).
73/78 – The Prevention of Pollution from Ships. Basel
Convention and the Stockholm POPs Convention) the resolution
This convention aims to promote coordination, cooperation, and the sharing of information with other conventions.
Instruments, as well as organizations. The agreement is, in a broader sense,
Expected to encourage action from all stakeholders, including the
private sector, and it will include arrangements regarding capacity
Technical assistance, financial, technical building and technology transfer
Assistance is one of the terms.

The negotiating mandate leaves many key issues unresolved
INC, including what qualifies for a
“plastic”: How to address microplastics
Resolution includes plastic pollution) and the types
Both legally binding obligations and best-informed obligations
These issues can be addressed through either voluntary measures or national action plans. The
Relationship between the new global plastics deal and existing
Environment agreements governing plastics recycling and chemicals
Several other issues will need to be addressed. Once adopted and ratified,
It is likely that the new plastics treaty will result in obligations.
Inform about national environmental laws, policies and regulations governing the
Production, use, and recycling plastic products in countries
worldwide. Companies at all levels of the value chain benefit.
Most likely to be those who make or use or manage plastics are
Even if the U.S. doesn’t immediately, this agreement will have an impact on all parties.
Be a party to this treaty

A wider context for dealing with plasticpollution

The momentum for treaty negotiations continues to grow
International concern about plastic pollution, which includes the
Particular challenges are presented by marine plastics debris. Recent
Many countries have had legislation enacted over the years.
Some U.S. states take action to combat plasticpollution.
recycling. These measures include bans for certain single-use materials
plastics, extended producer responsibility mandates and
Requirements for increased recycling in new products
The National Academy of Sciences (NAS), was established in December of last year.
Issued asReportThe U.S. role as a Global Ocean Observer
Plastic waste may also be used to inform U.S. efforts on marine pollution
plasticpollution at the international and national levels

The UNEA resolution acknowledges recent efforts by governments
international organizations, including G7, G20, the
Global Partnership on Marine Litter and the Initiatives
related to the Basel Convention. 2019 Basel Convention parties
Convention approved amendments to expand controls and trade bans
All types of plastics wastes can be shipped across international borders
For recycling (described furtherhere). The new plastics treaty will be effective in the coming weeks.
This past work should be complemented and promoted coordination and cooperation
Across the various initiatives.

Next steps in the Treaty Negotiations

In the first meeting, an ad hoc open-ended work group (OEWG), will be convened
Half of 2022, most likely in May, to prepare the work of
Organisation of work for INC.
Two additional meetings should be held before the end of 2022.
In 2023 and 2024, each. Business and environment
Stakeholders will have the chance to participate as observers
In the OEWG and INC meetings, in accordance with UN regulations. The
Resolution: A report on the progress made by the INC by the
6ThSession of UNEA, which is scheduled for February

The resolution sets out the goals for the INC to be completed.
Its work will be completed by 2024. After the adoption of the treaty
Further evolution of the agreement would be possible and it would also include its obligations.
by holding meetings with the parties following its entry in force.

This article is meant to be a guide.
guide to the subject matter Expert advice should be sought
Learn more about your particular circumstances.

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