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New Minecraft Mode, ‘Rivercraft,’ teaches players about the impacts of climate change and floods
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New Minecraft Mode, ‘Rivercraft,’ teaches players about the impacts of climate change and floods

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Minecraft, the popular video game, has teamed with the UK Environment Agency in order to launch a new mode. Minecraft Education Edition. The edition, also known as ‘Rivercraft,’ teaches players about the impacts of climate change and floods that affect communities.

Source: OMGcraft – Minecraft Tips & Tutorials!/Youtube

Rivercraft focuses on the new flood defense being implemented in Preston, UK. The city is expanding. FloodTo reduce flood risk, walls, glass panels and embankments were built around almost 5,000 homes.

Three games are included in the edition that focus on fighting floods. Climate Change. In the first game, “Managing Flooding,” players can build their version of flood defenses like the ones being built in Preston. In “Flood Prevention,” players have to explore how individuals can help alleviate climate change. Then, in “Our Local Environment,” players take an in-game ecological survey to locate and record wildlife species.

BlockBuilders was the one who built the game. MicrosoftThey found the 3D data for the new structures in Preston and made it into an educational Minecraft world.

Flooding is more common in Preston than anywhere else. Floods can cause damage to homes and towns, as well as force families to move. Many think that climate change only causes droughts, but the planet’s warming causes all and any extreme weather. Climate change AffectsOur normal water cycle is changing, which means that wet areas are becoming more wetter and dry regions becoming dryer.

See Also

Source: Guardian News/Youtube

Cities all around the globe, starting from California to Vietnam are facing a climate crisis, and millions of people are protesting all over the world. Read more about politics and climate change, including Manchin Restarts Talks about Climate and Social Spending Bill Previously Rejected and Climate Change Protests Take Over With Millions ContinuingTo Strike Across The Globe! Climate change is a top priority for young voters, and we need to care about the Green New Deal.

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