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Nova Scotia spends $37.3million on climate change projects
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Nova Scotia spends $37.3million on climate change projects

Nova Scotia will spend $37 million on various climate change projects, the government announced Monday.


Some projects are designed to reduce climate emissions, while others are designed to prepare for disaster.

Nova Scotia has spent $37.3 million to fund various climate change projects. Announcement of a province Monday.  

The money is coming from Nova Scotia’s Green Fund and will cover a range of projects, some existing and some in development.

$15 million of the total will be used to create a fund for community projects. It will provide incentives and challenges to communities to reduce their carbon emissions, the province claims.

$8 million will be spent by the province to extend the existing facilities Program for Home Energy Assessment. Homeowners who retrofit their homes in order to make them more energy-efficient can receive up $5,000. 

Another $8 million is available for the Solar Homes incentiveThe program was launched in 2018. The program offers rebates on more than 5,000 solar panels to homeowners who install them on their property. 

Both programs are managed by Efficiency Nova Scotia, which in turn is managed by EfficiencyOne, a private, non-profit organization. 

“The climate crisis is impacting all Nova Scotians and it’s clear that we need to act urgently,” said EfficiencyOne CEO Stephen MacDonald in a release.

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Affordable housing units in Cape Breton, which will be made more energy-efficient, will receive $2 million. This project also receives funding from the Department of Municipal Affairs. The total amount is $4 million.

$1 million will go towards floodline mapping and floodplain maps in communities. 

“Flood line mapping is imperative to the planning that is needed to build environmentally resilient communities,” said Amanda MacDougall, president of the Nova Scotia Federation of Municipalities. This project focuses more on adaptation to extreme weather than curbing emission.

The federal Department of Environment will receive $3.3 million over the next three year. 

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