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Office of Climate and Energy
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Office of Climate and Energy

The Office of Climate and Energy coordinates all state efforts to reach carbon neutrality by 2050. This is achieved through the development and implementation of the Mi Healthy Climate Plan. Gretchen Whitmers Executive Directive 2020-10. It will serve as Michigan’s action plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition to carbon neutrality across the economy.  This comprehensive plan will protect Michiganders’ health and the environment, while setting Michigan on a path to becoming completely carbon-neutral by 2050.

The future damage of climate change will be mitigated by a transition to carbon neutrality. Michigan will be able to take full advantage the ongoing global energy revolution. From the jobs it will produce for our skilled workforce to the protections it offers for natural resources to the savings it will bring communities and ratepayers, it will also help to reduce carbon emissions.

The Executive Directive also states that Michigan will strive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 28 percent by 2025 to ensure steady progress towards this goal and prevent irreparable damage to the ecosystem, residents, businesses, and communities of Michigan.

The office assists state and local governments with mitigation and resilience efforts to help them achieve their carbon neutrality goal. It also helps prepare communities for climate impacts. The Office provides advice on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promotes renewable energy, energy efficiency, as well as advocating for the continued transition towards a clean energy economy.

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