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Paramount+ will be featuring Darren Aronofsky’s Climate Crisis Docuseries
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Paramount+ will be featuring Darren Aronofsky’s Climate Crisis Docuseries

The Last Glaciers Trailer Reveals The Massive Extent of the Climate Crisis


Darren AronofskyAfter the success of previous efforts like Catch the Fair One And Some Kind of Heaven.

Black Gold, coming to Paramount+ on May 17 — with an earlier theatrical release in nationwide venues on May 11 — is the story of the “cover-up of the century,” or so the press release purports. The film was a collaboration between Aronofsky’s Protozoa production house and TIME Studios. It was directed by Emmy-winning director. Gabrielle Schonder Nominated for an Oscar Zach Heinzerling.

Aronofsky said:

Black GoldThis is the epic story of a scientific discovery which rocked the world, and a conspiracy to cover up the truth that threatens our existence. I am thrilled to be working with TIME Studios, Paramount+ and Iconic to bring it to theaters and screens around the world.”

The trailer for Black GoldThis exposes a decades-old conspiracy to change public perceptions of climate change in order for the oil industry to continue making money.


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Tanya GilesParamount+’s chief programming officers, said:

“We are incredibly excited to bring such a captivating documentary from such a renowned filmmaker to Paramount+. Black Gold offers viewers the opportunity to gain insight and immerse themselves in the investigation into a global conspiracy that is relevant to today’s current events.”

Ian OreficePresident and COO of TIME TIME Studios said:

TIME For decades, has been at the forefront in covering the climate change crisis. Black Gold tells a crucial piece of the history of today’s climate crisis, and TIME Studios is proud to partner with Darren Aronofsky and PROTOZOA, CBS News, and Paramount+ along with Iconic Events to bring this urgent story to audiences around the world.”

Steve Bunnell, chief executive of Iconic Events Releasing, stated:

TIMEIt is one of the most trusted names within news. TIME Studios brought this amazing documentary to us. We were stunned and wanted to share it with as many people as possible. Anyone filling up their tank and wondering what the gas price is should watch this movie right away. This is excellent quality investigative journalism, and it’s as real, timely and topical as any issue facing this country and our world today. Iconic is proud that this specially created theatrical version will be presented as a cinema event prior to its platform debut.”

Paramount+ will stream the captivating docuseries on May 17th. You can view the trailer and see the key art until then. Black GoldScroll down

Here’s the official synopsis. Black Gold:

Black Gold is the story of the cover-up of the century – of the boss atop a trillion-dollar industry who discovered a shocking truth 40 years ago, created a black ops conspiracy to hide the evidence, and would stop at nothing to keep the money flowing as the world burned. A CEO nicknamed Iron-Ass, whistleblowers from Exxon’s own labs, professional climate deniers and spin doctors, a NASA scientist and a U.S. vice president are among the characters in this thriller based on a decades-long plot to trade our planet for profit.”


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