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Photos Show the Toll of Climate Change and Global Warming | Photos


Scientists continue to project a grim future for the climate if no drastic changes are made immediately.

September 13, 2020 Oak Grove, Oregon Shayanne Sommers holds Toph while being wrapped in a blanket during an evacuation center at Milwaukie Portland Elks Lodge.| Oak Grove, Oregon | Shayanne Summers holds her dog, Toph, while wrapped in a blanket at an evacuation center at the Milwaukie-Portland Elks Lodge during wildfires.

In recent years, the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has issued multiple dire warnings suggesting changes to the earth’s climate as “irreversible” due to past and future greenhouse gas emission. In an April 2022 report scientists warned that it’s “now or never” to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees.AP

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