Canada’sThird Largest Brewer reaffirms its commitment to the planet, partnering up with Random Acts of Green for Earth Month 2020.
GUELPH ON, April 25, 2022/CNW/- Sleeman Breweries Canada’sThe third-largest brewery continues to be committed to environmental sustainability. In 2022, a key element was added: including employees from coast-tocoast in the journey. Sleeman Breweries has been focusing its efforts on green initiatives like large-scale waste reduction and energy conservation.
Sleeman is continuing many of its Earth Month efforts, but the company is also working to share its corporate Green Policy. This policy focuses on employee engagement and participation. Sleeman started the month by partnering Random Acts of Green. This Canadian app allows users monitor their sustainability and log green actions to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions. It also allows them to compete against each other virtually to see who can make a greater impact.
Since the early 2000s, Sleeman has made reducing waste (or MUDA), a core value of its business. Our commitment to sustainability grows with each year,” Linden Gossen (National Environmental Health & Safety Manager, Sleeman Breweries) said. “This year, we added an employee engagement piece that speaks directly to our people across the nation. It was a refreshing and exciting addition to our environmental sustainability journey.”
Sleeman Breweries is a 3R-certified organization and the first brewery to be awarded this certification by the Recycling Council of America. OntarioThis award is the only one for a food and drink company. Sleeman received a Canadian Grocery Impact Award in 2021 for its sustainability efforts as supplier.
Here are some examples of Sleeman’s sustainability commitment across their facilities. Canada:
Treatment of wastewater Sleeman’s Guelph brewery uses a process called anaerobic digestion to treat wastewater before it is sent off to the environment. City of GuelphWastewater system They are the only. GuelphAn anaerobic wastewater treatment system is used by breweries. They treat all the waste streams from beer manufacturing processes.
Water Conservation Sleeman’s respects water and strives to use it sparingly. In 2015, Sleeman’s has made water savings of more than 440,000 litres and 7,500 kegs thanks to new equipment investments and process improvements. Every day.
Greenhouse Gas EmissionsSleeman has achieved a reduction in their GHG emissions of 2600 metric tonnes in five years (2017-2021). This is equivalent to 568 cars producing the same amount of GHG emissions over five years.
All of the company’s success within this space is due to its employees. To educate employees about sustainability, there are regional Green Teams that are located across the country. People from different departments and levels share the passion for environmental sustainability and use these measures in their daily lives.
Sleeman is also on the rise, with over 2,000 employees. 80 positionsYou can find him in many roles and places. More information about Sleeman’s commitment can found here Here.
About Sleeman Breweries Ltd.
Sleeman Breweries Ltd. ranks third in the country as a brewing company. The company has a large portfolio of beer brands. CanadaThis includes well-loved Canadian brands like Sleeman and Okanagan Spring, Wild Rose, and Unibroue as well as world-class beers. SapporoPabst Blue Ribbon.
SOURCE Sleeman Breweries

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