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Sorting saves both time and the environment
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Sorting saves both time and the environment

Townsville residents can help the environment by simply taking the time to properly pack their car, ute, or trailer before heading to the tip.

Russ Cook from Townsville Water and Waste said that proper sorting of loads would not only reduce time spent at Townsville’s transfer stations but also help to reduce the environmental impact.

“Every year in Townsville more than 165,000 tonnes of waste ends up in landfill,” Cr Cook said.

“By taking a little bit of extra time at home and separating items like recyclables, items that could be re-sold at the tip shop, white goods, green waste and general waste, we can make sure everything is disposed of properly.

“A large percentage of what people dump could have been resold, repurposed or recycled.

“We have a vision for Townsville to transition towards a circular economy and move towards zero waste.

“It’s bold, but it is a vision we think is possible and we need participation from our wider community to achieve it.

“So by doing little things like separating general waste and reusable items like whitegoods, electronic goods or cardboard boxes in your load you can cut down on your waste and potentially give items a new life through recycling.”

Visit our Pages on Waste and RecyclingFor more information, click here

Below is our helpful video, Sort Your Load.


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