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Stories that defined 2021 with COVID and Metaverse
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Stories that defined 2021 with COVID and Metaverse

Metaverse, COVID, climate change: stories that defined 2021


  • The COVID-19 vaccines help to limit the effects of the pandemic.
  • Around the globe, more than 8.5 billion doses of this drug have been administered.
  • As a result, supply chain problems continue to exist.
  • Global trade reforms will be needed to promote sustainability, inclusion, and fairness.
  • The metaverse might transform the internet to a 3D world for our avatars.

A glance at the headlines can be depressing as 2021 draws near. The rapid spread COVID-19 has made the year as endearing as it began.

But let’s not forget the positives in all of this. Humanity has made remarkable progress over the last 12 months in managing the effects of the virus. All over the world, nations have done more than 8.5 billion dosesThe COVID-19 vaccines.

More than 8.5 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines have now been given

More than 8.5 million doses of COVID-19 vaccinations have been administered.

Image: Our Word in Data

These vaccines have saved thousands of lives and will continue to save many more. This article is by Seth Berkley (CEO of GAVI), the vaccine alliance., argues for a universal vaccine campaign that will better safeguard us all.

COP26 Climate Change Summit

Much was made of the Glasgow, Scotland event as the last chance for countries to come to an agreement on how to protect the world from the worst impacts of climate change in the lead up to COP26.

The COP26 summit in Glasgow, Scotland saw intense negotiations in climate change.

At the COP26 summit, Glasgow, Scotland, there were intense negotiations about climate change.

Image: Reuters/Yves Herman

After two weeks of intense negotiations, an agreement was reached. “An important step”, concluded UN Secretary-General António Guterres before adding a warning that “our fragile planet is hanging by a thread. We are still knocking on the door of climate catastrophe.”

The aim of this initiative is to accelerate action for planet protection. At COP26, the First Movers Coalition was launched by World Economic Forum. The initiative was launched with the US State Department and John Kerry, the Special Presidential Envoy to Climate. The First Movers Coalition consists of forward-thinking businesses that are eager to boost global demand for critical new solutions. They also help to mobilize investments and lower costs.

Global supply chains in crisis

The global supply chain crisis has had a significant impact on the world’s economy in 2021. There were half-empty shelves in grocery shops and skyrocketing fuel prices at gas stations.

COVID-19 is responsible for many of the current problems. As many countries went into lockdown and shut down their factories, the economy contracted sharply in 2020. As we recover from the pandemic and rebuild, demand is rising and logistics companies and suppliers are struggling to keep pace. We will be discussing how we can help you. Ryan Petersen, founder of Flexport, became a viral sensation on Twitter thanks to his five suggestions for clearing up the backlog at US ports.

Trade reforms to support an inclusive recovery

Although supply chain problems were a sign of vulnerabilities in global trade relations, deeper issues are the reason for calls to reform global trade policy.

Børge Brende, President of the World Economic Forum and José Viñals, Group Chairman of Standard Chartered BankThe authors wrote about the need for global trade policy adaptation to address growing concerns over resilience, sustainability, and inclusion. The authors referred to the G20 Leaders DeclarationThese key aspects of the COVID-19 recovery were outlined by the authors: economic growth, job creation, health and digitalization, sustainability, inclusion and sustainability. They also stated that trade plays an important role in delivering each of the dimensions.

The world economy is now facing a tsunami of disruptive megatrends. These include the climate crisis, geopolitical tensions, and emerging technologies. These issues are challenging the foundations that support global value chain construction. While different industry sectors are affected in different ways by these issues, there are unique opportunities to help pioneers build resilience and shape the supply chain of the future.

The World Economic Forum works with a group of supply chain and manufacturing leaders to anticipate how manufacturers can best move beyond reacting to disruptive forces and towards proactive building of the right capabilities to ensure long-term, sustainable resilience.

This collaboration led to the co-development and publication of the resiliency comppass, a unique framework that helps manufacturing companies assess their current resilience across eight dimensions.

  • portfolio excellence
  • Customer orientation
  • financial viability
  • Go-to-market versatility
  • Logistics flexibility
  • Manufacturing adaptability
  • supplier diversity
  • Advanced planning

The Resiliency Compass

Image: World Economic Forum

We identified five types of resilience leadership through our work across industries and geographies. They reflect distinct priorities and approaches to starting or navigating a journey to resilience.

A series of strategy playbooks have been co-developed to help firms implement new resilience efforts. They were developed in close collaboration with members. Platform for Shaping Future of Advanced Manufacturing and Value Chains. These playbooks provide a guideline for leaders in each resilience profile to strengthen their value chain.

The metaverse is on the horizon

In the early days of 2021, the word ‘metaverse’ was largely confined to conversations between tech geeks and fans of science fiction. Fast forward to October and metaverse was making headlines across news platforms worldwide. The man behind those stories is Mark Zuckerberg, who went public after a name change at Facebook. Meta is the new name of the company, if not its previously eponymous social-media platform.

The metaverse doesn’t exist, at least, not yet. This article explained how the internet we know may evolve into a three-dimensional space that we all inhabit in avatar form.Powered by virtual and augmented realities tools


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