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Strategic City Building in a Relaxing Environment
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Strategic City Building in a Relaxing Environment

Little Cities offers many islands for building on. Each island has its own unique layouts and environments, which can have an impact on city-building strategies.

Developed and published in nGames by Purple YonderLittle CitiesYou can build a city in a calm and enjoyable atmosphere. You can choose to either sit back and build slowly, or to stand up and walk around a rapidly-growing city. This makes the game easily accessible to all types of gamers. Each island features soothing music, vibrant colors, and some unique options that make it stand out from the rest of the city so that it doesn’t feel repetitive.

InLittle CitiesEach island can be built beginning at the port. To allow citizens to reach their new homes or places of work, roads must be built and connected to the port. There are strategies for placing residential, commercial and industrial buildings wherever you want them to be. Residents don’t want industrial noise too close to their homes. Certain utility or social structures should be kept away from housing units. Because each island is unique, the same strategies won’t work everywhere.


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Six islands or archipelagos can be built on. However, only one island is unlocked at the beginning. To complete the first island, you must be at least level 10, while the rest of cities require that you reach level 25. If the population is large enough to level up, it is important to keep citizens happy. This is done by ensuring the city has power, water, cell towers, and essential services like schools, police stations and fire departments. The city’s utilities and service buildings will only be able to cover a small portion of it, so they should be placed strategically to ensure everyone is happy. This information is kept track of by the watch attached to the non-dominant handed player. It also contains the tools menu necessary for building the city.

Little Cities Review Zoomed Out with Watch Menu Open

Each city needs the same basic utilities and services. However, there are some unique features that make each island stand out. There will be environmental issues in some cities, such as sandstorms and erupting volcanoes. The only way to increase the population is to keep them safe from dangerous environmental elements. It is possible to make citizens happy by putting certain social structures near them. It will depend on what type of structure is being built. Residents will love a water park close by, but they will be annoyed by a racetrack due to the noise. A description is required before a structure can be built.

The uniqueness of each island or group helps to keep it interestingLittle CitiesMany cities are unique and intriguing. While the basic principles are the same for every city, strategies for growing the population will vary. It is crucial that the archipelagos connect all the construction sites back to the main port using bridges and multiple roads. Traffic can halt construction if there is no way to get to distant landmasses. To maximize efficiency, it is possible to bulldoze large areas and then start over.

Little Cities Review Zoomed In with Tools Menu Open

The biggest obstacle is probably inLittle Citiesis able to afford expensive structures such as police and medical departments, while still making enough money. Certain unlocks will boost industrial or commercial zones. Paying attention to where these are located can help increase weekly income. It’s easy for people to want to spend every $20,000 they receive when starting a new city. However, this can quickly lead them to bankruptcy. How to organize the city, how to spend it, what utilities to build first and how much you should spend are all part if what makes it so great.Little Cities fun.

Without the strategic elementsLittle CitiesWhile it would be tedious and repetitive, there’s enough variety between each new city that the game is enjoyable for hours. From watching the construction process to adapting the city’s layout for new unlocks and a growing population,Little CitiesA variety of experiences are available in a small but fun VR package. More content will be added after launch.Little CitiesThis VR game is great for relaxing.

Next:Sphere – Flying Cities Preview – An Engaging City Building Hybrid

Little CitiesAvailable for Meta Quest 2 on April 21, 2022. Screen Rant was given a digital Meta Quest 2 code to review the game.

Our Rating:

3.5 out of 5. (Very Good).

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