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Study by UNBC researchers and co-authors – BC News
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Study by UNBC researchers and co-authors – BC News

UNBC researchers co-author study showing interior rainforest logging worsens climate change - BC News


A new peer-reviewed journal has been published by an international team of scientists that includes UNBC researchers. Study on the importance of protecting primary forests in BC’s Interior Wetbelt (IWB) bioregion for the climate.

Scientists from the UNBC, Griffith University in Australia, the Conservation Biology Institute in Oregon, Wild Heritage in Oregon and Conservation North were part of the study, which underscores the seriousness of B.C.’s emissions tied to the logging of old growth forests.

The study used data from the field and government data to estimate how much carbon was in unlogged old-growth hemlock, redcedar, and spruce forests, and how much has been released to the atmosphere through clearcut logging.

The IWB is a huge, forested area covering 16.5 millions ha that runs along the western flanks between the Canadian Rockies & northern Columbia Mountains.

It also contains rare old-growth spruce forests (also known in other parts as Boreal Rainforest or Inland Temperate Rainforest). From the 1970s through the 2000s, logging in this ecosystem was rapid.

“The region contains underappreciated carbon stocks that can help Canada meet its climate and conservation targets,” said lead researcher Dr. Dominick DellaSala.

“In their natural state, these forests constitute an irreplaceable natural climate solution, but we’re turning them into lumber and threatening to turn them into pellets.”

In order to combat the climate crisis, Canada has committed to protect 30% of its lands.

“The Interior Wetbelt contains some of the most carbon dense forests on the planet,” said Art Fredeen, a study co-author at UNBC.

“If we summed up all of the carbon from historically logged timber in the IWB it would exceed B.C.’s total greenhouse gas emissions for 2019, 9 times over. Instead of increasing the B.C.’s carbon debt by further logging old carbon-rich landscapes, we should be conserving them.”

Still needed: Paradigm shift in forestry

The provincial government recently announced it’s deferring 1.7 million hectares of old-growth forests at risk of permanent loss.

B.C. B.C. also announced last fall that an Expert Panel had mapped 2.6 millions hectares at risk of old-growth forest unprotected and asked 204 First Nations to determine whether they support the temporary deferral.

The province has heard from 188 First Nations. 75 of them have agreed to deferrals that initially last two years. More than 60 have requested more time to consider and incorporate Indigenous knowledge into their plans.

However, ecologist and co-author Michelle Connolly of Conservation North said these temporary deferrals don’t go far enough and there needs to be major forestry reforms to protect carbon-dense old-growth forests.

She stated that these forests require time to recover the logging-related carbon deficiency and to improve monitoring of carbon stocks, stock changes, and carbon stocks.

Connolly said this is what the promised ‘paradigm shift’ that was called for in the 2020 Old Growth Strategic Review panel ought to look like on the ground.

“Protecting all old growth is objectively good for the climate because of how much carbon they store and that’s partly what our study has revealed. A truly progressive forest policy would actually protect at least all old-growth forests and provide support for First Nations to do that,” said Connolly.

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She stated that the deferrals placed the responsibility on First Nations to decide whether or not they want to do so, and what that would mean for their conservation efforts.

“What ought to be happening to be truly progressive is to actually support First Nations in protecting these places. B.C. residents agree that protecting old-growth forests should be protected. agree that protecting old-growth forests is really important, and now we have evidence that the climate is a really good reason to do that.”

Aboveground carbon storage under-reported

Dr. DellaSala added that, “for the very first time, we have a comprehensive assessment of how important B.C.’s interior rainforests are to the global climate and how much has been lost to logging. In the case of climate change, the forest is worth far more standing then cut down for wood products.”

The study also found that nearly one quarter of the IWB had been logged, most within the inland forest since the 1970s. This resulted in live above ground carbon decreasing by at minimum 18 percent.

Researchers say this is unlikely to be true because government data appears underestimate the amount of aboveground carbon stored in the most carbon rich stands. Additionally, logging has been concentrated in low- to mid-elevations, where carbon density and carbon content is at its highest (below 2000m).

The study shows that the province may not be reporting logging-related carbon emissions as accurately as 75%.

“Carbon storage is the element that’s really, really important,” adds Connolly. “That’s what our group has been saying, if we’re going to get products out of forests, they have to come from places that have been previously logged. It’s much more responsible for the environment. You’d be releasing a lot less carbon if you focus your industrial activity on areas that have already been logged.”

With files from The Canadian Press


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