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Sunday marks the beginning of spring. Experts predict that snow will fall.
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Sunday marks the beginning of spring. Experts predict that snow will fall.

Barrie –

Although spring officially begins on Sunday, March 20th 2022, environmental experts warn that winter-like weather is still possible in the coming weeks.

“In 33 Years of Barrie record keeping, I’ve only seen one April without snow, and I also see many Mays without snow,” said David Phillips Senior Climatologist for Environment Canada.

Philips claims that the start of spring has historically seen an average of 28 centimetres of snowfall and approximately ten per cent of total snowfall in Barrie.

The temperatures in Barrie were just above the average for winter on the last day, at 5 C. Environment Canada says that this is a significant difference from the usual 4 C average for this time.

Although temperatures are trending upwards, most ski resorts in SImcoe Muskoka, including Mt. St. Louis Moonstone plans to close its doors for the season in March 28th.

“We have a 70-100-centimetre base and 100 percent of the trails are opened this weekend. Sarah Hunter, Mount St. Louis Moonstone, says that the conditions are amazing.

Senior Climatologist David Phillips says that people shouldn’t give up on spring too soon, adding that overall, the months of April and May would be warmer than normal.

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