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Superintendent Guillory announces district-wide transition to mask-friendly environment – The Sagamore
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Superintendent Guillory announces district-wide transition to mask-friendly environment – The Sagamore


In an email to staff, Superintendent Linus Guillory stated that the Public Schools of Brookline will transition to a mask-friendly environment starting Monday, March 14. This means that anyone working in a PSB building can choose to wear a mask. Only exception is the nurses’ office, where masks are still required.

This email comes after the recent repeal of the indoor mask mandate for the town.

Guillory wrote that people’s choices should be respected by the community.

Our community could feel many emotions as a result of the transition to a more friendly environment for masks. Guillory said that while the relaxation of masking requirements is a welcome development, it may not be for everyone. It is crucial that we practice and model a culture of care now more than ever. We should not feel pressured or obligated to disclose our masking decisions. Let us continue to respect one another in these health decisions around masking, which are based on individual circumstances.

Guillory stated that the town will continue strictly to observe COVID-19 case levels, and provide resources to reduce its spread.

PSB will continue offering masks to anyone in need. We will continue to use our resources and support in social-emotional education; our current mitigation strategies (e.g. The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education will evaluate the symptomatic testing at schools and home programs until April 22. Guillory said that we will continue to monitor data from the community in order to inform future policy decisions regarding any changes in public health conditions. We are grateful for your quick adaptation to these constantly changing conditions. As we navigate this pandemic, let’s keep our community safe & healthy.

Additional information on this transition is available Here.

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