Sustainable golf brand Oceanteehas pledged to giveIt will donate a portion of its sales to the environment
THe company is an official Partner of the EuroProTour and the Ladies European Tour have joined the 1% For The Planet initiative.
It means that firms donate 1% to environmental causesAround the worldRegardless of whether they are profitable.
OceanteeNow, he is on a mission of encouraging Golfers should think about how they impact the environment.
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According to the firm, if all 66,000,000 golfers worldwide bought a packet of its bamboo Tees, it could donate nearly 2,000,000 to charity.
Although 1% may not seem like much, it adds up when we all pledge to be just a little better.” Oceantee founder Edward Sandison.
According to the most recent R&A figures, if each golfer around the globe – that’s 66 million by now – switched to a pack our OceanteeWe would donate nearly 2,000,000 bamboo tees worldwide to vital projects, as well as reducing plastic pollution in our oceans.
1% for The Planet is an association of individuals, businesses, and non-profit organizations. OrganisationsThis organization collaborates to address environmental issues.
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TCustomers can also use this scheme to identify businesses. OceanteeWhich create sustainable products.
To date, around $250 million have been donated to environmental causes across the globe.
Yvon Chouinard, founder of the movement, described it as “paying rent for the planet’s use.”