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Take Action on the International Day of Forests
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Take Action on the International Day of Forests

Both tropical and boreal forests are essential in the dual fight against climate change. These biomes, which absorb and store carbon dioxide and convert it into oxygen to life, are among the most carbon-dense on Earth. This gives us crucial time to transition to decarbonized future. Their protection is vital to achieving the global climate and biodiversity targets. Each year, however, millions of acres of climate-critical boreal and tropical forests are lost or degraded. This has devastating climate, biodiversity and human rights consequences.

There are many benefits to forest ecosystems. They are reservoirs for genetic diversity and host the majority of our planets’ terrestrial species.BiodiversityThe answer is CriticalIt is essential for our ability to discover new medicinal compounds. Planets overall resilienceIn the face of widespread disasters. Many Indigenous Peoples’ ways of life are endangered. livelihoodsThey are directly linked to the health of forests. Additionally, forests absorb enough carbon dioxide in order to offset. One and a half timesThe amount of carbon emitted by the United States every year. Boreal forests, which store large quantities of carbon, keep it away from the atmosphere. However, carbon that trees have stored in the atmosphere for centuries is released when they are lost or damaged. 2020 2.5 billion metric tonsFrom tropical forest loss alone, an additional 1.2 million tons of carbon dioxide were added into the atmosphere. The Canadian boreal is home to twice the amount of carbon dioxide than the world’s oil reserves. Logging also has an impact on these carbon stocks. significant contributor to Canadas annual greenhouse gas emissions. Many of these forest impacts are also in violation of internationally recognized Indigenous Rights.

Consumption products that contain palm oil, wood pulp and paper causes forest degradation and deforestation throughout the world. Procter & Gamble earns its profits by extracting these goods and turning them into toilet paper tissue, shampoos, and more. A majority of shareholders voted for a resolution in 2020 calling on P&G’s supply chains to make more efforts to reduce deforestation. The company has not made sufficient commitments to end deforestation and preserve intact forests since then. It’s time to intensify the pressure. We can get enough people to call on P&G not to flush our forests. This will allow us to make changes that will ripple throughout the industry.

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