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Talking to children about climate change – North Coast Current
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Talking to children about climate change – North Coast Current

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Dear EarthTalk Any suggestions on how to talk about climate change with my children? — J. Rowe, Alea, Hawaii

As we become more aware of the effects of human activity on the environment, we are able to change our habits. However, we also have the responsibility to prepare for the future. next generation. A National Public Radio PollIt was found that 84% of parents believe children should be educated about climate change, while only 45% reported having a conversation on the subject with their children. It is crucial to break the silence about climate change in order to develop intergenerational solutions.

Clinical psychologists such as Wendy Greenspun caution that parents take a “developmentally sensitive” approach when preparing for climate change conversations. David SobelAntioch University’s environmental education professor agrees with Sobel. He recommends that children younger than six years old spend time outdoors in order to foster a close connection with the natural world. Sobel recommends that children as young as 6 years old learn good habits.

EarthTalk column logo.Brown University has shown that routines and patterns are formed by 9 years old. This means that lessons such as recycling to reduce plastic pollution and turning off the lights in order to save energy will be remembered by children who have learned these skills early in their lives.

Sobel says that children should wait until they turn nine to address tougher climate issues. It is possible for your child to already have heard about climate change. This can help you gauge how much they know.

To introduce the science, Robin Gurwitch, a professor and psychologist at Duke University, suggests using the “blanket analogy,” which explains that the Earth is protected by a layer, like a blanket, that keeps it at the right temperature. Climate change, which is caused by gases people put into the atmosphere using lots of electricity, adds blankets to the earth, making it too warm. If you have questions that you are unable or unwilling to answer, learn together and continue the conversation.

Climate crisis is a complex topic. It is important to maintain open communication while also avoiding causing harm to your mental health or that of your children.

Susie Burke is a senior psychologist at the Australian Psychological Society. She suggests three big-picture solutions to climate anxiety. The first is emotion-focused coping. This can include spending time with loved ones or taking a break. Next is problem-focused coping, which is to “try to mitigate the actual problem that is causing the stress.” The third is meaning-focused coping, thinking about “how to frame the problem so that we can continue to hope and not collapse into cynicism.”

While teaching children about seemingly insurmountable challenges is one way to interpret climate change, it is important that they also focus on the solutions. Children should be aware that scientists are working around the globe to solve the problem. Regular citizens can also help in meaningful ways. You can suggest small ways you can be part of the solution, such as a meatless Monday tradition, or taking part in the Turn It Off Campaign which encourages you to not idle your car while it is parked. These small actions can help you make your children part the solution while they learn about it.

See Also

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