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Ten Books You Must Read To Understand Climate Change and How You Can Make a Difference
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Ten Books You Must Read To Understand Climate Change and How You Can Make a Difference

10 Must-Read Books To Understand Climate Change And How You Can Make A Difference


American naturalist and poet Henry David Thoreau once asked, “What is the use of a house if you haven’t got a tolerable planet to put it on?”

Rightly so. We are closer to seeing the irreversible consequences of every day. Climate change. The Earth’s average temperature has increased by more than 1C in a little less than 100 years. This points to the fact that the last 30 years have been the warmest in the planet’s history (or at least the past 800 years). Climate change is becoming more apparent as surface temperatures rise and Arctic ice melts.

This Earth Day, here’s a list of books that are a must-readTo understand climate change:

1. Michael Mann: The New Climate War

The book describes how the fossil fuel industry changed its tactics, shifting the responsibility for climate change to individuals and denial of their part in it. The book is cautiously optimistic and argues that the fundamental challenges are caused by a lack in political will. The author is a geophysicist and climatologist who advocates for climate science to be recognized as a discipline.


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2. The Climate Solution: India’s Climate-Change Crisis and What We Can Do About It by Mridula Ramesh

The book explores why women are particularly affected by a warming climate, why climate change poses a security concern for the Indian state, and why India should not only focus on green sources but also on other solutions. The author is a climate scientist, investor, and teacher. She uses examples from the country, such as the cotton fields of Punjab or eco-startups in Bengaluru, to explain the topic.

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3. This Changes Everything: Capitalism and The Climate by Naomi Klein

The author argues that the climate crisis must be a catalyst for political transformation. Capitalism is more important than carbon. The economic system has failed in its mission to create something better. Naomi Klein is a Canadian journalist and author. She is also an ecofeminist, social activist, filmmaker, and author.

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4. David Wallace-Wells, The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Heat.

The New Yorker named it one of the top books of 2019. It discusses the more severe effects of climate change, such as food shortages, refugee crises, and economic devastation. These topics include the potential impact of warming on global politics, the meaning and role of technology and nature in the modern age, sustainability of capitalism, and the trajectory of human advancement. American journalist.

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5. The Nutmeg’s Curse: Parables for a Planet in Crisis by Amitav Ghosh

Nutmegs are believed to have originated from a small grouping of volcanic islands in Java’s east, the Banda Islands. In this book, the author argues that the nutmeg’s violent trajectory from its native islands is revealing of a wider colonial mindset which justifies the exploitation of human life and the natural environment. This book discusses climate change, migrant crisis and the animist spirituality in indigenous communities around the globe. The author is an Indian historian.


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6. Jason Hickel, Less is More

The book throws light on ecological breakdown and the system that’s causing it. The author explains how we can bring the economy back in balance with the living environment and create a society that is thriving for all. The book offers tools and visions for a better world. Jason Hickel is an economist anthropologist who studies global inequality, ecological economics and political economics.

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7. Florence Williams: The Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes Us Happier and Healthier by Florence Williams

This book investigates the science behind nature’s positive effects on the brain. The author dives into new research and uncovers the power nature has to improve our health, promote innovation and reflection, and strengthen our relationships. All of it points out the importance of protecting the environment. American journalist and nonfiction writer, the author is a scientist, health professional, and environmentalist.

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See Also

Timothy Morton: 8 Being Ecological

This lighthearted philosophical writing addresses the serious issue climate change with a touch of humor. It discusses ecology and the many wrong notions we have about it. Rice University English professor. His works focus on the intersection of object-oriented thinking and ecological studies.

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9. Unsettled: What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn’t, and Why It Matters by Steven E. Koonin

This book explains what science says and doesn’t say about our changing climate. The book presents expert perspectives and date insights without any political agendas. The author’s personal experiences as the former director of the Centre for Urban Science and Progress at New York University are also added. He is a theoretical scientist.

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10. Drawdown by Paul Hawken

An international coalition of scientists, professionals and researchers created this book to offer solutions for climate change. It contains 100 techniques and practices. These range from clean energy to educating young girls in low-income nations to land use practices that take carbon out of the atmosphere. They believe that these practices can help in slowing down earth’s warming. American environmentalist and activist, author, entrepreneur, economist, and activist.

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Yoshita Rao edited the article

Royal Society


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