

Creative Society Project

The Arctic is in a terrible situation
There is evidence that climate is changing. Scientific evidence will be shared during the online forum “Global Crisis. We are People. We Want to Live.”
— Creative Society
DETROIT, MI USA, April 16, 2022EINPresswire.com/ — There are many evidences that the climate is rapidly changing. Even skeptics agree. Scientists intend to tell the truth about the current events at the international online forum “Global Crisis. We are People. We Want to Live”, which will take place on May 7. We won’t have long to wait, so we can take a closer look at the facts that are happening with the climate.
This forum is unique due to the volunteer message. However, even this is very encouraging. First, simultaneous interpretation into 100 languages is possible, something that no other international organization can afford. This is a sign of the seriousness and rapid changes in society. It is a global trend.
This is the conclusion. Climate is changing quickly. People are often blamed for the excessive amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which is often attributed to the anthropogenic element. One of two options is available: reduce the population or switch to alternative energy sources. The second option is not as clear as the first.
The consumerist format of society, alas, dictates the laws of the market, in which alternative sources of heating houses are represented exclusively by “green energy”. The harmful effects of solar panels, wind turbines, and solar panels on the environment, as well as their recycling, are often ignored or deliberately silenced. Not to mention the fact climate change and extreme weather (and temperature fluctuations!) are causing more harm than good. “green energy” breaks down, people die from the cold.
Using the internet, everyone can see the situation calmly and is beginning to understand this. Given the current climate collapse, it would be foolish not to abandon traditional energy sources like nuclear power plants, coal, or oil. The most radical “greens”, who are focusing on the reduction of people, are doing so because the climate is rapidly changing. It sounds absurd, but it’s already happening. People of the older generation are being held responsible for the excessive carbon footprint.
In summary, there are two kinds of research scientists today. One group is screaming that people are responsible, while another group says that the climate isn’t changing (or has been changing) and that “green” energy will save everyone. Both are wrong, at the end. What is really happening? There is a rise in deep-focus earthquakes, volcanic activity, ocean heating, and melting glaciers. Other atmospheric phenomena, such as hurricanes and tornadoes, are also increasing and becoming more common. The magnetic field is changing, abnormal temperature fluctuations are being recorded, and so forth.
Observations clearly show that the Earth’s bowels have been activated and are heating up. Satellite data, radiosondes and well analysis all show this. Also, you can see melting glaciers, rising sea level, and melting permafrost. There is no doubt that the Earth is experiencing a rapid warming trend. The most important fact is that humans have absolutely nothing to do with this, or the anthropogenic factor, and CO2. Because the oceans are emitting more CO2 than all of humanity due to unprecedented heating.
Ocean heating is associated to cyclicity. This is a period of time that occurs once every other year. 12 000 years. Today is the peak of these events. Analysing ice cores from Antarctica, Greenland and Antarctica can reveal what happens at this time. This data is not good news for the average person. This happened regularly both 12 000 years ago and 24 000 years ago. This is the regular cycle of cosmic processes. Climateologists have discovered that the climate is changing faster today than it was 24000 years ago, when the last advance in glaciers in Eurasia or North America occurred. The Nature scientific journal published the results of the study.
The facts are obvious: the climate is changing due to factors beyond our control. What can we do now? To build bunkers. Not at all. They won’t save your life from such a disaster. The point is that the scale of climate change should be correlated with a large-scale awareness of planet’s inhabitants as an intelligent civilization. This would lead to the unification of scientific knowledge. Everything is easy. All in all: It is much easier for scientists and journalists, politicians, public officials, and so forth, to plan to brainstorm and solve a difficult problem, and to understand the reasons why it is happening.
Today, we face exactly such a task: to preserve the human race, to pass with honor, with minimal loss, a series natural anomalies, and reach a new level in development. This will be possible in the Creative Society. However, it will be difficult in the current consumerist format. Indifference and bureaucracy make this impossible. Volunteer movement and a neutral information platform, which will broadcast the international forum “Global Crisis. We are People. We Want to Live” on May 7 shows that it’s not too late yet. The broadcast will be live at 15:00 GMT/ 11AM EST/ Detroit Time.
Alicia Topper
Creative Society
+1 313-467-4881
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April 16, 2022 at 13:40 GMT
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