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The Climate Crisis: “Global Crisis” is the key topic of the Planetary Historic Forum. We are people. We Want to Live” 02/07/22
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The Climate Crisis: “Global Crisis” is the key topic of the Planetary Historic Forum. We are people. We Want to Live” 02/07/22

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Climate and Core Problems

Climate and Core Problems

Creative Society Project

We cannot just sit back and watch climate change happen, we have to do something about it. This is something that everyone can see, even those who are directly affected by the disasters.

The rise in CO2 is not caused by humans. It is volcanic eruptions who are responsible. The oceans, and now the Amazon forests, are also actively producing CO2. ”

— Global Crisis. We are people. We Want To Live.

NEW YORK (NY), USA, April 19, 2022 / — We cannot just sit back and watch climate change happen, we have to do something about it. Many people are aware of this, not just those who are directly affected by disasters. International Online ForumGlobal Crisis. We Are People. We Want to Live“, which will be held on May 7, is precisely about this, about how each person’s life matters. This event is unique because it allows simultaneous interpretation in 100 languages and includes participation from 180 countries. It is the first time such an event has been organized.

The climate is experiencing an extreme change right now. The facts are as follows. There is an unusual Gulf Stream behavior. Deep-focus earthquakes are occurring more often. Magnetic excursion at the poles has also been recorded. Volcanic activity has increased (even the volcanoes that have been sleeping for thousands upon years) and the ozone layers of the planet are decreasing. These facts have nothing to do anthropogenic human activity.

The Earth’s Core shift:

Scientists and satellite data indicate that the Earth’s core shifting in the late 1990s caused the centrifugal force to increase, magma to drift to the surface, underwater volcanic activity, and oceans to heat up tremendously. Typhoons and hurricanes are able to remove excess heat from the ocean surface. These natural disasters are now more frequent and faster in wind speed. The Earth is trying “to bring the temperature down” and it is succeeding so much. But, the heating continues.

The planet’s heating is causing glaciers to melt rapidly. This has led to active volcanoes in Antarctica (its western portion) and Greenland, which are subglacial lakes. If nothing is done soon, the situation will lead eventually to a volcano winter, which is a natural response by the planet to cool its surface. This is evident in the recent eruption of Tonga’s volcano. All of this is due to cyclical processes, which occur every 12 000 years. This is confirmed by data derived from analysis of ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica.

What can we do?

People living today are not happy with what happened 12,000 years ago. It’s worth mentioning that due to temperature differences, mammoths froze instantly, without having time to digest the food they had eaten. The Gulf Stream stopped first, then it began again, and everything began to melt, and the glaciers slowly began to move northward. In such a situation, bunkers wouldn’t be of any help. But what then?

The answer is simple. It is essential to unify the scientific potential of humanity as long as there is still time. This is important for two main reasons. The scientific community will shift their attention from conflicts to constructive dialogue. It is also an objective chance to reduce the impact of ongoing disasters. The idea is to move from a consumerist society towards a creative one.

Why is this necessary? Because in the consumerist format, it is people that are blamed for the ongoing climate change, attributing the so-called “carbon footprint”. It would be hilarious if it were not so sad that climate change has been attributed to people over 60. Given the increasing severity of cataclysms, it is easy to predict what will happen next. Unfortunately, we are one step away from genocide and the liquidation of “extra people”.

The solution and the way out

The rise in CO2 is not caused by humans. Volcanic eruptions are responsible. The oceans and the Amazon forests are also actively producing CO2. Nature has experienced something, and it is obvious. This is due to cosmic radiation. It’s a cycle that occurs once every 12 thousand year. This is why scientific brainstorming is important – to discover the truth. This is why there is an information platform that is neutral and where volunteers from all over the world organize forums and conferences.

This spring, on May 7, there’ll be a Live broadcastA significant international forum, “Global Crisis.” We Are People. We Want to Live. The main topic is climate change, which is the single enemy of humanity. We must end all conflicts now and get to the negotiating table. All the conditions are there for this. Hopefully, sanity will prevail. The live broadcast begins at 15:00 GMT. It is vital to keep you informed about the positive agenda and about the creative option of social development.

Alicia Topper
Creative Society
+1 313-467-4881
[email protected]
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Global Crisis. We are People. We Want to Live Official Trailer| Official trailer. International Forum


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